Airship\Engine\Continuum\Supplier::getName PHP Méthode

getName() public méthode

Get an array SignaturePublicKey objects
public getName ( ) : string
Résultat string
    public function getName() : string
        return $this->name;

Usage Example

Exemple #1
  * Verifies that the Merkle root exists, matches this package and version,
  * and has the same checksum as the one we calculated.
  * @param InstallFile $file
  * @return bool
 public function verifyMerkleRoot(InstallFile $file) : bool
     $debugArgs = ['supplier' => $this->supplier->getName(), 'name' => $this->package];
     $db = \Airship\get_database();
     $merkle = $db->row('SELECT * FROM airship_tree_updates WHERE merkleroot = ?', $file->getMerkleRoot());
     if (empty($merkle)) {
         $this->log('Merkle root not found in tree', LogLevel::DEBUG, $debugArgs);
         // Not found in Keyggdrasil
         return false;
     $data = \Airship\parseJSON($merkle['data'], true);
     $instType = \strtolower($this->type);
     $keyggdrasilType = \strtolower($data['pkg_type']);
     if (!\hash_equals($instType, $keyggdrasilType)) {
         $this->log('Wrong package type', LogLevel::DEBUG, $debugArgs);
         // Wrong package type
         return false;
     if (!\hash_equals($this->supplier->getName(), $data['supplier'])) {
         $this->log('Wrong supplier', LogLevel::DEBUG, $debugArgs);
         // Wrong supplier
         return false;
     if (!\hash_equals($this->package, $data['name'])) {
         $this->log('Wrong package', LogLevel::DEBUG, $debugArgs);
         // Wrong package
         return false;
     // Finally, we verify that the checksum matches the entry in our Merkle tree:
     return \hash_equals($file->getHash(), $data['checksum']);
All Usage Examples Of Airship\Engine\Continuum\Supplier::getName