Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServerPlatform::getAddExtendedPropertySQL PHP Méthode

getAddExtendedPropertySQL() public méthode

Returns the SQL statement for adding an extended property to a database object.
public getAddExtendedPropertySQL ( string $name, string | null $value = null, string | null $level0Type = null, string | null $level0Name = null, string | null $level1Type = null, string | null $level1Name = null, string | null $level2Type = null, string | null $level2Name = null ) : string
$name string The name of the property to add.
$value string | null The value of the property to add.
$level0Type string | null The type of the object at level 0 the property belongs to.
$level0Name string | null The name of the object at level 0 the property belongs to.
$level1Type string | null The type of the object at level 1 the property belongs to.
$level1Name string | null The name of the object at level 1 the property belongs to.
$level2Type string | null The type of the object at level 2 the property belongs to.
$level2Name string | null The name of the object at level 2 the property belongs to.
Résultat string
    public function getAddExtendedPropertySQL($name, $value = null, $level0Type = null, $level0Name = null, $level1Type = null, $level1Name = null, $level2Type = null, $level2Name = null)
        return "EXEC sp_addextendedproperty " . "N" . $this->quoteStringLiteral($name) . ", N" . $this->quoteStringLiteral($value) . ", " . "N" . $this->quoteStringLiteral($level0Type) . ", " . $level0Name . ', ' . "N" . $this->quoteStringLiteral($level1Type) . ", " . $level1Name . ', ' . "N" . $this->quoteStringLiteral($level2Type) . ", " . $level2Name;