Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk\Extended::doWork PHP Method

doWork() public method

Runs the main worker cycle.
public doWork ( boolean $ignoreErrors = false )
$ignoreErrors boolean
    public function doWork($ignoreErrors = false)
        declare (ticks=1);
        # Check if we are using Fork1.0 (php < 7)
        if (class_exists('duncan3dc\\Helpers\\Fork')) {
            $fork = new \duncan3dc\Helpers\Fork();
            $fork->ignoreErrors = $ignoreErrors;
        } else {
            $fork = new Fork();
        foreach ($this->workers as $tube => $worker) {
            $that = clone $this;
            // Run the worker in separate process.
            $fork->call(function () use($tube, $worker, $that, $fork, $ignoreErrors) {
                do {
                    $job = $that->reserveFromTube($tube);
                    if ($job && $job instanceof Job) {
                        $fork->call(function () use($worker, $job) {
                            call_user_func($worker, $job);
                        try {
                            try {
                            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                                if (null !== $this->logger) {
                                    $this->logger->warning(sprintf('Exception thrown while deleting the job: %d — %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()));
                        } catch (\Exception $e) {
                            if (null !== $this->logger) {
                                $this->logger->warning(sprintf('Exception thrown while handling job #%s: %d — %s', $job->getId(), $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()));
                            if (!$ignoreErrors) {
                    } else {
                        // There is no jobs so let's sleep to not increase CPU usage
                        usleep(rand(7000, 10000));
                } while (true);
        try {
        } catch (ForkException $e) {
            if (!$ignoreErrors) {
                throw $e;

Usage Example

Esempio n. 1
  * @depends testShouldGetTubes
 public function testShouldDoWork()
     if (!class_exists('\\duncan3dc\\Helpers\\Fork')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped(sprintf('%s used as a dependency \\duncan3dc\\Helpers\\Fork. You can install it by using' . 'composer require "duncan3dc/fork-helper":"*"', get_class($this->client)));
     $expected = ['test-tube-1' => '1', 'test-tube-2' => '2'];
     foreach ($expected as $tube => $value) {
         $this->client->addWorker($tube, function (Job $job) {
             // Store string "test-tube-%JOB_BODY%" in shared memory
             $memory = shmop_open($this->shmKey, 'c', 0644, $this->shmLimit);
             $output = trim(shmop_read($memory, 0, $this->shmLimit));
             $output .= sprintf("\ntest-tube-%s", $job->getBody());
             shmop_write($memory, $output, 0);
         $this->client->putInTube($tube, $value);
     $memory = shmop_open($this->shmKey, 'a', 0, 0);
     $output = shmop_read($memory, 0, $this->shmLimit);
     // Compare number of items in expected list with lines in shared memory
     $this->assertEquals(count($expected), count(array_unique(explode("\n", trim($output)))));
All Usage Examples Of Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk\Extended::doWork