PKPLocale::getLocaleFrom3LetterIso PHP 메소드

getLocaleFrom3LetterIso() 정적인 공개 메소드

This can be ambiguous if several locales are defined for the same language. In this case we'll use the primary locale to disambiguate. If that still doesn't determine a unique locale then we'll choose the first locale found.
static public getLocaleFrom3LetterIso ( $iso3Letter ) : string
리턴 string
    static function getLocaleFrom3LetterIso($iso3Letter)
        assert(strlen($iso3Letter) == 3);
        $primaryLocale = AppLocale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $localeCandidates = array();
        $locales =& AppLocale::_getAllLocalesCacheContent();
        foreach ($locales as $locale => $localeData) {
            if ($localeData['iso639-2b'] == $iso3Letter) {
                if ($locale == $primaryLocale) {
                    // In case of ambiguity the primary locale
                    // overrides all other options so we're done.
                    return $primaryLocale;
                $localeCandidates[] = $locale;
        // Return null if we found no candidate locale.
        if (empty($localeCandidates)) {
            return null;
        if (count($localeCandidates) > 1) {
            // Check whether one of the candidate locales
            // is a supported locale. If so choose the first
            // supported locale.
            $supportedLocales = AppLocale::getSupportedLocales();
            foreach ($supportedLocales as $supportedLocale => $localeName) {
                if (in_array($supportedLocale, $localeCandidates)) {
                    return $supportedLocale;
        // If there is only one candidate (or if we were
        // unable to disambiguate) then return the unique
        // (first) candidate found.
        return array_shift($localeCandidates);