RCCWP_Options::Set PHP 메소드

Set() 공개 정적인 메소드

@param string $key is the name of the option to will be updated
public static Set ( string $key, string $val )
$key string
$val string is the new value of the option
    public static function Set($key, $val)
        $options = RCCWP_Options::Get();
        $options[$key] = $val;

Usage Example

예제 #1

 * Ajax request to save some Flutter option, the option should be
 * passed in a POST parameter whose name corressponds to the option
 * name.
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../wp-config.php';
if (!(is_user_logged_in() && is_admin())) {
    die("Athentication failed!");
include_once '../RCCWP_Options.php';
if ($_POST) {
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        $key = trim(urldecode($key));
        $value = trim(urldecode($value));
        //if($value == 1) $value = 'true';
        //	elseif($value == 0) $value = 'false';
        RCCWP_Options::Set($key, $value);