BaikalAdmin\Controller\User\Calendars::actionDelete PHP 메소드

actionDelete() 보호된 메소드

protected actionDelete ( )
    protected function actionDelete()
        $aParams = $this->getParams();
        $iCalendar = intval($aParams["delete"]);
        if ($this->actionDeleteConfirmed() !== false) {
            # catching Exception thrown when model already destroyed
            # happens when user refreshes page on delete-URL, for instance
            try {
                $oModel = new \Baikal\Model\Calendar($iCalendar);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                # already deleted; silently discarding
            # Redirecting to admin home
        } else {
            $oModel = new \Baikal\Model\Calendar($iCalendar);
            $this->aMessages[] = \Formal\Core\Message::warningConfirmMessage("Check twice, you're about to delete " . $oModel->label() . "</strong> from the database !", "<p>You are about to delete a calendar and all it's scheduled events. This operation cannot be undone.</p><p>So, now that you know all that, what shall we do ?</p>", $this->linkDeleteConfirm($oModel), "Delete <strong><i class='" . $oModel->icon() . " icon-white'></i> " . $oModel->label() . "</strong>", $this->linkHome());