PHPFusion\QuantumFields::quantum_insert PHP 메소드

quantum_insert() 공개 메소드

public quantum_insert ( array $data = [] )
$data array
    public function quantum_insert(array $data = array())
        $quantum_fields = array();
        $infinity_ref = array();
        // bug fix: to get only the relevant fields on specific page.
        $field_list = flatten_array($this->fields);
        // to generate $infinity_ref and $quantum_fields as reference and validate the $_POST input value.
        foreach ($field_list as $field_id => $field_data) {
            if ($field_data['field_parent'] == $this->input_page) {
                $target_database = $field_data['field_cat_db'] ? DB_PREFIX . $field_data['field_cat_db'] : DB_USERS;
                $target_index = $field_data['field_cat_index'] ? $field_data['field_cat_index'] : 'user_id';
                $index_value = isset($_POST[$target_index]) ? form_sanitizer($_POST[$target_index], 0) : $data[$target_index];
                // create reference array
                $infinity_ref[$target_database] = array('index' => $target_index, 'value' => $index_value);
                if (isset($_POST[$field_data['field_name']])) {
                    $quantum_fields[$target_database][$field_data['field_name']] = form_sanitizer($_POST[$field_data['field_name']], $field_data['field_default'], $field_data['field_name']);
                } else {
                    $quantum_fields[$target_database][$field_data['field_name']] = isset($data['field_name']) ? $data[$field_data['field_name']] : '';
        if (!empty($quantum_fields)) {
            $temp_table = '';
            foreach ($quantum_fields as $_dbname => $_field_values) {
                $merged_data = array();
                $merged_data += $_field_values;
                $merged_data += $data;
                // appends all other necessary values to fill up the entire table values.
                if ($temp_table !== $_dbname) {
                    // if $temp_table is different. check if table exist. run once if pass
                    $merged_data += array($infinity_ref[$_dbname]['index'] => $infinity_ref[$_dbname]['value']);
                    // Primary Key and Value.
                    // ensure nothing is missing. this might be overkill. I would shut it down if not neccessary to lighten the load by 1-2 uncessary query.
                    $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $_dbname . " WHERE " . $infinity_ref[$_dbname]['index'] . " = '" . $infinity_ref[$_dbname]['value'] . "'");
                    if (dbrows($result) > 0) {
                        $merged_data += dbarray($result);
                dbquery_insert($_dbname, $merged_data, 'update');