Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Search\SpellcheckerInterface::getSpellingType PHP 메소드

getSpellingType() 공개 메소드

- SPELLING_TYPE_EXACT : All terms of the text query exist and are exactly spelled. - SPELLING_TYPE_MOST_EXACT : All of the text query terms exist. Some are types using an analyzed form. - SPELLING_TYPE_MOST_FUZZY : At least one term of the text query was exists in the index. - SPELLING_TYPE_FUZZY : All terms of the text query was mispelled. - SPELLING_TYPE_PURE_STOPWORDS : All terms of the text query exist and are stopwords (a, the, ...).
public getSpellingType ( Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Search\Spellchecker\RequestInterface $request ) : integer
$request Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Search\Spellchecker\RequestInterface Spellchecking query.
리턴 integer
    public function getSpellingType(RequestInterface $request);