app\models\Setting::set PHP Method

set() public static method

Set a setting (no pun) value.
public static set ( string | array $key, mixed $value = null )
$key string | array The key of the setting, or an associative array of settings, in which case $value will be discarded.
$value mixed
    public static function set($key, $value = null)
        if (is_array($key)) {
            foreach ($key as $k => $v) {
                self::set($k, $v);
        self::updateOrCreate(compact('key'), compact('value'));

Usage Example

Example #1
 public function testGet()
     Setting::set('foo', 'bar');
     Setting::set('bar', ['baz' => 'qux']);
     $this->assertEquals('bar', Setting::get('foo'));
     $this->assertEquals(['baz' => 'qux'], Setting::get('bar'));
All Usage Examples Of app\models\Setting::set