Go\Instrument\ClassLoading\SourceTransformingLoader::addTransformer PHP Method

addTransformer() public static method

Adds a SourceTransformer to be applied by this LoadTimeWeaver.
public static addTransformer ( Go\Instrument\Transformer\SourceTransformer $transformer ) : void
$transformer Go\Instrument\Transformer\SourceTransformer SourceTransformer Transformer for source code
return void
    public static function addTransformer(SourceTransformer $transformer)
        self::$transformers[] = $transformer;

Usage Example

Example #1
  * Init the kernel and make adjustments
  * @param array $options Associative array of options for kernel
 public function init(array $options = array())
     $this->options = $this->normalizeOptions($options);
     define('AOP_CACHE_DIR', $this->options['cacheDir']);
     /** @var $container AspectContainer */
     $container = $this->container = new $this->options['containerClass']();
     $container->set('kernel', $this);
     $container->set('kernel.interceptFunctions', $this->hasFeature(Features::INTERCEPT_FUNCTIONS));
     $container->set('kernel.options', $this->options);
     foreach ($this->registerTransformers() as $sourceTransformer) {
     // Register kernel resources in the container for debug mode
     if ($this->options['debug']) {
     // Register all AOP configuration in the container