Aerys\CommandClient::socketPath PHP Method

socketPath() public static method

public static socketPath ( string $config )
$config string
    public static function socketPath(string $config)
        // that base64_encode instead of the standard hex representation of sha1 is necessary to avoid overly long paths for unix domain sockets
        return sys_get_temp_dir() . "/aerys_" . strtr(base64_encode(sha1(Bootstrapper::selectConfigFile($config), true)), "+/", "-_") . ".tmp";

Usage Example

Exemplo n.º 1
 private function bindCommandServer(string $config)
     $path = CommandClient::socketPath(Bootstrapper::selectConfigFile($config));
     $unix = in_array("unix", \stream_get_transports(), true);
     if ($unix) {
         $path .= ".sock";
         $socketAddress = "unix://{$path}";
     } else {
         $socketAddress = "tcp://*";
     if ((yield \Amp\file\exists($path))) {
         if (is_resource(@stream_socket_client($unix ? $socketAddress : (yield \Amp\file\get($path))))) {
             throw new \RuntimeException("Aerys is already running, can't start it again");
         } elseif ($unix) {
             (yield \Amp\file\unlink($path));
     if (!($commandServer = @stream_socket_server($socketAddress, $errno, $errstr))) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Failed binding socket server on {$socketAddress}: [%d] %s", $errno, $errstr));
     stream_set_blocking($commandServer, false);
     \Amp\onReadable($commandServer, function (...$args) {
     register_shutdown_function(function () use($path) {
     if (!$unix) {
         (yield \Amp\file\put($path, stream_socket_get_name($commandServer, $wantPeer = false)));