Stringy\Stringy::titleize PHP Method

titleize() public method

Also accepts an array, $ignore, allowing you to list words not to be capitalized.
public titleize ( array $ignore = null ) : Stringy
$ignore array An array of words not to capitalize
return Stringy Object with a titleized $str
    public function titleize($ignore = null)
        $stringy = static::create($this->trim(), $this->encoding);
        $encoding = $this->encoding;
        $stringy->str = preg_replace_callback('/([\\S]+)/u', function ($match) use($encoding, $ignore) {
            if ($ignore && in_array($match[0], $ignore)) {
                return $match[0];
            $stringy = new Stringy($match[0], $encoding);
            return (string) $stringy->toLowerCase()->upperCaseFirst();
        }, $stringy->str);
        return $stringy;