WP_REST_Server::get_index PHP Метод

get_index() публичный метод

This endpoint describes the capabilities of the site.
С версии: 4.4.0
public get_index ( array $request ) : array
$request array { Request. @type string $context Context. }
Результат array Index entity
    public function get_index($request)
        // General site data.
        $available = array('name' => get_option('blogname'), 'description' => get_option('blogdescription'), 'url' => get_option('siteurl'), 'home' => home_url(), 'namespaces' => array_keys($this->namespaces), 'authentication' => array(), 'routes' => $this->get_data_for_routes($this->get_routes(), $request['context']));
        $response = new WP_REST_Response($available);
        $response->add_link('help', 'http://v2.wp-api.org/');
         * Filters the API root index data.
         * This contains the data describing the API. This includes information
         * about supported authentication schemes, supported namespaces, routes
         * available on the API, and a small amount of data about the site.
         * @since 4.4.0
         * @param WP_REST_Response $response Response data.
        return apply_filters('rest_index', $response);