Elgg\ActionsService::execute PHP Method

execute() public method

Executes an action If called from action() redirect will be issued by the response factory If called as /action page handler response will be handled by \Elgg\Router
See also: action
public execute ( string $action, string $forwarder = "" ) : Elgg\Http\ResponseBuilder | null
$action string Action name
$forwarder string URL to forward to after completion
return Elgg\Http\ResponseBuilder | null
    public function execute($action, $forwarder = "")
        $action = rtrim($action, '/');
        $this->currentAction = $action;
        // @todo REMOVE THESE ONCE #1509 IS IN PLACE.
        // Allow users to disable plugins without a token in order to
        // remove plugins that are incompatible.
        // Login and logout are for convenience.
        // file/download (see #2010)
        $exceptions = array('admin/plugins/disable', 'logout', 'file/download');
        if (!in_array($action, $exceptions)) {
            // All actions require a token.
            $pass = $this->gatekeeper($action);
            if (!$pass) {
        $forwarder = str_replace($this->config->getSiteUrl(), "", $forwarder);
        $forwarder = str_replace("http://", "", $forwarder);
        $forwarder = str_replace("@", "", $forwarder);
        if (substr($forwarder, 0, 1) == "/") {
            $forwarder = substr($forwarder, 1);
        $ob_started = false;
         * Prepare action response
         * @param string $error_key   Error message key
         * @param int    $status_code HTTP status code
         * @return ResponseBuilder
        $forward = function ($error_key = '', $status_code = ELGG_HTTP_OK) use($action, $forwarder, &$ob_started) {
            if ($error_key) {
                if ($ob_started) {
                $msg = _elgg_services()->translator->translate($error_key, [$action]);
                $response = new \Elgg\Http\ErrorResponse($msg, $status_code);
            } else {
                $content = ob_get_clean();
                $response = new \Elgg\Http\OkResponse($content, $status_code);
            $forwarder = empty($forwarder) ? REFERER : $forwarder;
            return $response;
        if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) {
            return $forward('actionundefined', ELGG_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
        $user = $this->session->getLoggedInUser();
        // access checks
        switch ($this->actions[$action]['access']) {
            case 'public':
            case 'logged_in':
                if (!$user) {
                    return $forward('actionloggedout', ELGG_HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
                // admin or misspelling
                if (!$user || !$user->isAdmin()) {
                    return $forward('actionunauthorized', ELGG_HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
        // To quietly cancel the file, return a falsey value in the "action" hook.
        if (!_elgg_services()->hooks->trigger('action', $action, null, true)) {
            return $forward('', ELGG_HTTP_OK);
        $file = $this->actions[$action]['file'];
        if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
            return $forward('actionnotfound', ELGG_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
        $result = Includer::includeFile($file);
        if ($result instanceof ResponseBuilder) {
            return $result;
        return $forward('', ELGG_HTTP_OK);

Usage Example

 public function testCanNotExecuteActionWithoutActionFile()
     $this->request = $this->prepareHttpRequest('action/no_file', 'POST', [], false, true);
     $this->assertTrue($this->actions->register('no_file', "{$this->actionsDir}/no_file.php", 'public'));
     $result = $this->actions->execute('no_file', 'referrer');
     $this->assertInstanceOf(ErrorResponse::class, $result);
     $this->assertEquals(ELGG_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, $result->getStatusCode());
     $this->assertEquals(elgg_echo('actionnotfound', ['no_file']), $result->getContent());
     $this->assertEquals('referrer', $result->getForwardURL());