Redaxscript\Cache::validate PHP Method

validate() public method

validate the cache
Since: 3.0.0
public validate ( mixed $bundle = null, integer $lifetime = 3600 ) : boolean
$bundle mixed key or collection of the bundle
$lifetime integer lifetime of the bundle
return boolean
    public function validate($bundle = null, $lifetime = 3600)
        $path = $this->getPath($bundle);
        return $this->_validateFile($path, $lifetime);

Usage Example

  * renderTemplate
  * @since 3.0.0
  * @return mixed
 public static function renderTemplate()
     $registry = Registry::getInstance();
     $request = Request::getInstance();
     $language = Language::getInstance();
     /* handle notification */
     if (!is_dir(self::$_configArray['directory']) && !mkdir(self::$_configArray['directory'])) {
         self::setNotification('error', $language->get('directory_not_found') . $language->get('colon') . ' ' . self::$_configArray['directory'] . $language->get('point'));
     /* prevent as needed */
     if ($request->getPost() || $registry->get('noCache')) {
         return false;
     /* cache as needed */
     $cache = new Cache();
     $cache->init(self::$_configArray['directory'], self::$_configArray['extension']);
     $fullRoute = $registry->get('fullRoute');
     /* load from cache */
     if ($cache->validate($fullRoute, self::$_configArray['lifetime'])) {
         $raw = $cache->retrieve($fullRoute);
         $content = preg_replace('/' . self::$_configArray['tokenPlaceholder'] . '/', $registry->get('token'), self::_uncompress($raw));
         return ['header' => function_exists('gzdeflate') ? 'content-encoding: deflate' : null, 'content' => self::_compress($content)];
     } else {
         $raw = Template\Tag::partial('templates/' . $registry->get('template') . '/index.phtml');
         $content = preg_replace('/' . $registry->get('token') . '/', self::$_configArray['tokenPlaceholder'], $raw);
         $cache->store($fullRoute, self::_compress($content));
         return ['content' => $raw];
All Usage Examples Of Redaxscript\Cache::validate