ExampleForm::EditColumn_Render PHP Method

EditColumn_Render() public method

should be disabled. Otherwise, show the edit button normally.
public EditColumn_Render ( Person $objPerson )
$objPerson Person
    public function EditColumn_Render(Person $objPerson)
        if ($objPerson->Id == $this->intEditPersonId || $this->intEditPersonId == -1 && !$objPerson->Id) {
            // We are rendering the row of the person we are editing OR we are rending the row
            // of the NEW (blank) person.  Go ahead and render the Save and Cancel buttons.
            return $this->btnSave->Render(false) . ' ' . $this->btnCancel->Render(false);
        } else {
            // Get the Edit button for this row (we will create it if it doesn't yet exist)
            $strControlId = 'btnEdit' . $objPerson->Id;
            $btnEdit = $this->GetControl($strControlId);
            if (!$btnEdit) {
                // Create the Edit button for this row in the DataGrid
                // Use ActionParameter to specify the ID of the person
                $btnEdit = new QButton($this->dtgPersons, $strControlId);
                $btnEdit->Text = 'Edit This Person';
                $btnEdit->ActionParameter = $objPerson->Id;
                $btnEdit->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxAction('btnEdit_Click'));
                $btnEdit->CausesValidation = false;
            // If we are currently editing a person, then set this Edit button to be disabled
            if ($this->intEditPersonId) {
                $btnEdit->Enabled = false;
            } else {
                $btnEdit->Enabled = true;
            // Return the rendered Edit button
            return $btnEdit->Render(false);