Ruckusing_Adapter_PgSQL_Base::add_index PHP Method

add_index() public method

Add an index
public add_index ( string $table_name, string $column_name, array $options = [] ) : boolean
$table_name string the table name
$column_name string the column name
$options array index options
return boolean
    public function add_index($table_name, $column_name, $options = array())
        if (empty($table_name)) {
            throw new Ruckusing_Exception("Missing table name parameter", Ruckusing_Exception::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
        if (empty($column_name)) {
            throw new Ruckusing_Exception("Missing column name parameter", Ruckusing_Exception::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
        //unique index?
        if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('unique', $options) && $options['unique'] === true) {
            $unique = true;
        } else {
            $unique = false;
        //did the user specify an index name?
        if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('name', $options)) {
            $index_name = $options['name'];
        } else {
            $index_name = Ruckusing_Util_Naming::index_name($table_name, $column_name);
        if (strlen($index_name) > PG_MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
            $msg = "The auto-generated index name is too long for Postgres (max is 64 chars). ";
            $msg .= "Considering using 'name' option parameter to specify a custom name for this index.";
            $msg .= " Note: you will also need to specify";
            $msg .= " this custom name in a drop_index() - if you have one.";
            throw new Ruckusing_Exception($msg, Ruckusing_Exception::INVALID_INDEX_NAME);
        if (!is_array($column_name)) {
            $column_names = array($column_name);
        } else {
            $column_names = $column_name;
        $cols = array();
        foreach ($column_names as $name) {
            $cols[] = $this->quote_column_name($name);
        $sql = sprintf("CREATE %sINDEX %s ON %s(%s)", $unique ? "UNIQUE " : "", $this->quote_column_name($index_name), $this->quote_column_name($table_name), join(", ", $cols));
        return $this->execute_ddl($sql);

Usage Example

  * test remove index with custom index name
 public function test_remove_index_with_custom_index_name()
     //create it
     $table = $this->adapter->create_table('users');
     $table->column('name', 'string', array('limit' => 20));
     $table->column('age', 'integer');
     $this->adapter->add_index("users", "name", array('name' => 'my_special_index'));
     $this->assertEquals(true, $this->adapter->has_index("users", "name", array('name' => 'my_special_index')));
     //drop it
     $this->adapter->remove_index("users", "name", array('name' => 'my_special_index'));
     $this->assertEquals(false, $this->adapter->has_index("users", "name", array('name' => 'my_special_index')));
All Usage Examples Of Ruckusing_Adapter_PgSQL_Base::add_index