ApiPlatform\SchemaGenerator\Tests\DumpConfigurationTest::testDumpConfiguration PHP Method

testDumpConfiguration() public method

    public function testDumpConfiguration()
        $commandTester = new CommandTester(new DumpConfigurationCommand());
        $this->assertEquals(0, $commandTester->execute([]));

    # RDFa files

        # RDFa URI to use
        uri:                  'https://schema.org/docs/schema_org_rdfa.html' # Example: https://schema.org/docs/schema_org_rdfa.html

        # RDFa URI data format
        format:               null # Example: rdfxml

    # OWL relation files to use

        # Default:
        - https://purl.org/goodrelations/v1.owl

    # Debug mode
    debug:                false

    # Automatically add an id field to entities
    generateId:           true

    # Generate interfaces and use Doctrine's Resolve Target Entity feature
    useInterface:         false

    # Emit a warning if a property is not derived from GoodRelations
    checkIsGoodRelations:  false

    # A license or any text to use as header of generated files
    header:               false # Example: // (c) Kévin Dunglas <[email protected]>

    # PHP namespaces

        # The namespace of the generated entities
        entity:               AppBundle\\Entity # Example: Acme\\Entity

        # The namespace of the generated enumerations
        enum:                 AppBundle\\Enum # Example: Acme\\Enum

        # The namespace of the generated interfaces
        interface:            AppBundle\\Model # Example: Acme\\Model

    # Doctrine

        # Use Doctrine's ArrayCollection instead of standard arrays
        useCollection:        true

        # The Resolve Target Entity Listener config file pass
        resolveTargetEntityConfigPath:  null

    # The value of the phpDoc's @author annotation
    author:               false # Example: Kévin Dunglas <[email protected]>

    # Visibility of entities fields
    fieldVisibility:      private # One of "private"; "protected"; "public"

    # Schema.org's types to use

        # Prototype

            # Namespace of the vocabulary the type belongs to.
            vocabularyNamespace:  'http://schema.org/'

            # Is the class abstract? (null to guess)
            abstract:             null

            # Is the class embeddable?
            embeddable:           false

            # Type namespaces

                # The namespace for the generated class (override any other defined namespace)
                class:                null

                # The namespace for the generated interface (override any other defined namespace)
                interface:            null

                # The Doctrine inheritance mapping type (override the guessed one)
                inheritanceMapping:   null

            # The parent class, set to false for a top level class
            parent:               null

            # If declaring a custom class, this will be the class from which properties type will be guessed
            guessFrom:            Thing

            # Import all existing properties
            allProperties:        false

            # Properties of this type to use

                # Prototype

                    # The property range
                    range:                null # Example: Offer

                    # The relation table name
                    relationTableName:    null # Example: organization_member
                    cardinality:          unknown # One of "(0..1)"; "(0..*)"; "(1..1)"; "(1..*)"; "(*..0)"; "(*..1)"; "(*..*)"; "unknown"

                    # The doctrine column annotation content
                    ormColumn:            null # Example: type="decimal", precision=5, scale=1, options={"comment" = "my comment"}

                    # Symfony Serialization Groups
                    groups:               []

                    # The property nullable
                    nullable:             true

                    # The property unique
                    unique:               false

                    # Is the property embedded?
                    embedded:             false

                    # The property columnPrefix
                    columnPrefix:         false

    # Annotation generators to use

        # Defaults:
        - ApiPlatform\\SchemaGenerator\\AnnotationGenerator\\PhpDocAnnotationGenerator
        - ApiPlatform\\SchemaGenerator\\AnnotationGenerator\\ConstraintAnnotationGenerator
        - ApiPlatform\\SchemaGenerator\\AnnotationGenerator\\DoctrineOrmAnnotationGenerator
        - ApiPlatform\\SchemaGenerator\\AnnotationGenerator\\ApiPlatformCoreAnnotationGenerator

, $commandTester->getDisplay());