Bolt\Tests\Configuration\ComposerConfigurationTest::testCheckDir PHP Method

testCheckDir() public method

public testCheckDir ( )
    public function testCheckDir()
        $fakeLocation = '/path/to/nowhere';
        $config = new Composer(TEST_ROOT);
        $verifier = new ComposerChecks($config);
        $app['resources'] = $config;
        ResourceManager::$theApp = $app;
        // Check we get an exception if the directory isn't writable
        try {
            $this->fail('Bolt\\Exception\\BootException not thrown');
        } catch (BootException $e) {
            $message = strip_tags($e->getMessage());
            $this->assertRegExp("/The default folder \\/path\\/to\\/nowhere isn't writable. Make sure it's writable to the user that the web server is using/", $message);
            $this->assertRegExp('/When using Bolt as a Composer package it will need to have access to the following folders/', $message);
            //$this->assertRegExp('/Bolt - Fatal error/', $e::$screen);