DataSift\Storyplayer\ProvisioningLib\Provisioners\AnsibleProvisioner::provisionHosts PHP Method

provisionHosts() public method

public provisionHosts ( DataSift\Storyplayer\ProvisioningLib\ProvisioningDefinition $hosts, $provConf )
$hosts DataSift\Storyplayer\ProvisioningLib\ProvisioningDefinition
    public function provisionHosts(ProvisioningDefinition $hosts, $provConf)
        // what are we doing?
        $log = usingLog()->startAction("use Ansible to provision host(s)");
        // get our ansible configuration
        $ansibleSettings = fromConfig()->getModuleSetting('ansible');
        // our reverse list of roles => hosts
        $rolesToHosts = array();
        // build up the list of roles
        foreach ($hosts as $hostId => $hostProps) {
            // what is the host's IP address?
            $ipAddress = fromHost($hostId)->getIpAddress();
            // add the host to the required roles
            if (isset($hostProps->roles)) {
                foreach ($hostProps->roles as $role) {
                    if (!isset($rolesToHosts[$role])) {
                        $rolesToHosts[$role] = array();
                    $rolesToHosts[$role][] = $ipAddress;
        // at this point, we know which roles need applying to which hosts
        // build up the inventory file
        $inventory = "";
        foreach ($rolesToHosts as $role => $hostsForRole) {
            // add the role marker
            $inventory .= "[{$role}]" . PHP_EOL;
            // add the list of hosts
            foreach ($hostsForRole as $host) {
                $inventory .= $host . PHP_EOL;
            // add an extra blank line for readability
            $inventory .= PHP_EOL;
        // write out the inventory
        $inventoryFile = $this->writeInventoryFile($inventory);
        // where should we create the host_vars?
        $inventoryFolder = dirname($inventoryFile);
        // we set these in the foreach() loop
        $sshUsername = null;
        $sshKeyFile = null;
        // now we need to write out the host files
        foreach ($hosts as $hostId => $hostProps) {
            // what is the host's IP address?
            $ipAddress = fromHost($hostId)->getIpAddress();
            $sshUsername = fromHost($hostId)->getSshUsername();
            $sshKeyFile = fromHost($hostId)->getSshKeyFile();
            // do we have any vars to write?
            if (!isset($hostProps->params) || $hostProps->params === null || is_array($hostProps) && count($hostProps) == 0) {
                // we'd better remove any host_vars file that exists,
                // in case what's there (if anything) is left over from
                // a different test run
                $this->removeHostVarsFile($inventoryFolder, $ipAddress);
            } else {
                // write the host vars file
                $this->writeHostVarsFile($inventoryFolder, $ipAddress, $hostProps->params);
        // build the command for Ansible
        $command = 'ansible-playbook -i "' . $inventoryFile . '"' . ' "--private-key=' . $sshKeyFile . '"' . ' "--user=' . $sshUsername . '"';
        $command .= ' "' . $ansibleSettings->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ansibleSettings->playbook . '"';
        // let's run the command
        // this looks like a hack, but it is the only way to work with Ansible
        // if there's an ansible.cfg in the root of the playbook :(
        $cwd = getcwd();
        $commandRunner = new CommandRunner();
        $result = $commandRunner->runSilently($command);
        // what happened?
        if (!$result->didCommandSucceed()) {
            throw new E5xx_ActionFailed(__METHOD__, "provisioning failed");
        // all done