Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\UnitOfWork::executeInserts PHP Method

executeInserts() private method

Executes all document insertions
private executeInserts ( array $documents )
$documents array array of all to be inserted documents
    private function executeInserts($documents)
        // sort the documents to insert parents first but maintain child order
        $oids = array();
        foreach ($documents as $oid => $document) {
            if (!$this->contains($oid)) {
            $oids[$oid] = $this->getDocumentId($document);
        $order = array_flip(array_values($oids));
        uasort($oids, function ($a, $b) use($order) {
            // compute the node depths
            $aCount = substr_count($a, '/');
            $bCount = substr_count($b, '/');
            // ensure that the original order is maintained for nodes with the same depth
            if ($aCount === $bCount) {
                return $order[$a] < $order[$b] ? -1 : 1;
            return $aCount < $bCount ? -1 : 1;
        $associationChangesets = $associationUpdates = array();
        foreach ($oids as $oid => $id) {
            $document = $documents[$oid];
            $class = $this->dm->getClassMetadata(get_class($document));
            // PHPCR does not validate nullable unless we would start to
            // generate custom node types, which we at the moment don't.
            // the ORM can delegate this validation to the relational database
            // that is using a strict schema
            foreach ($class->fieldMappings as $fieldName) {
                if (!isset($this->documentChangesets[$oid]['fields'][$fieldName]) && !$class->isNullable($fieldName) && !$this->isAutocreatedProperty($class, $fieldName)) {
                    throw new PHPCRException(sprintf('Field "%s" of class "%s" is not nullable', $fieldName, $class->name));
            $parentNode = $this->session->getNode(PathHelper::getParentPath($id));
            $this->validateChildClass($parentNode, $class);
            $nodename = PathHelper::getNodeName($id);
            $node = $parentNode->addNode($nodename, $class->nodeType);
            if ($class->node) {
                $this->originalData[$oid][$class->node] = $node;
            if ($class->nodename) {
                $this->originalData[$oid][$class->nodename] = $nodename;
            try {
            } catch (NoSuchNodeTypeException $e) {
                throw new PHPCRException('Register phpcr:managed node type first. See');
            foreach ($class->mixins as $mixin) {
            if ($class->identifier) {
                $class->setIdentifierValue($document, $id);
            if ($class->node) {
                $class->reflFields[$class->node]->setValue($document, $node);
            if ($class->nodename) {
                // make sure this reflects the id generator strategy generated id
                $class->reflFields[$class->nodename]->setValue($document, $node->getName());
            // make sure this reflects the id generator strategy generated id
            if ($class->parentMapping && !$class->reflFields[$class->parentMapping]->getValue($document)) {
                $class->reflFields[$class->parentMapping]->setValue($document, $this->getOrCreateProxyFromNode($parentNode, $this->getCurrentLocale($document, $class)));
            if ($this->writeMetadata) {
                $this->documentClassMapper->writeMetadata($this->dm, $node, $class->name);
            $this->setMixins($class, $node, $document);
            $fields = isset($this->documentChangesets[$oid]['fields']) ? $this->documentChangesets[$oid]['fields'] : array();
            foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                // Ignore translatable fields (they will be persisted by the translation strategy)
                if (in_array($fieldName, $class->translatableFields)) {
                if (in_array($fieldName, $class->fieldMappings)) {
                    $mapping = $class->mappings[$fieldName];
                    $type = PropertyType::valueFromName($mapping['type']);
                    if (null === $fieldValue) {
                    if ($mapping['multivalue'] && $fieldValue) {
                        $fieldValue = (array) $fieldValue;
                        if (isset($mapping['assoc'])) {
                            $fieldValue = $this->processAssoc($node, $mapping, $fieldValue);
                    $node->setProperty($mapping['property'], $fieldValue, $type);
                } elseif (in_array($fieldName, $class->referenceMappings) || in_array($fieldName, $class->referrersMappings)) {
                    $associationUpdates[$oid] = $document;
                    //populate $associationChangesets to force executeUpdates($associationUpdates)
                    //to only update association fields
                    $data = isset($associationChangesets[$oid]['fields']) ? $associationChangesets[$oid]['fields'] : array();
                    $data[$fieldName] = array(null, $fieldValue);
                    $associationChangesets[$oid] = array('fields' => $data);
            $this->doSaveTranslation($document, $node, $class);
            if ($invoke = $this->eventListenersInvoker->getSubscribedSystems($class, Event::postPersist)) {
                $this->eventListenersInvoker->invoke($class, Event::postPersist, $document, new LifecycleEventArgs($document, $this->dm), $invoke);
        $this->documentChangesets = array_merge($this->documentChangesets, $associationChangesets);
        $this->executeUpdates($associationUpdates, false);