dosamigos\fileupload\actions\FileListAction::run PHP Method

run() public method

Builds the data provider that needs to be rendered. If you wish to modify it, you will have to do it on the view itself -ie change pager settings etc.
public run ( )
    public function run()
        $ownerId = Yii::$app->request->get('ownerId');
        if (!$ownerId) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException();
        $searchClass = new $this->searchClass();
        $searchClass->innerJoinWith = [$this->ownerRelation => function ($q) use($ownerId) {
            $q->andWhere([$this->ownerTable . ".id" => $ownerId]);
        $method = Yii::$app->request->isPjax ? 'renderAjax' : 'render';
        $this->controller->{$method}($this->view, ['ownerId' => $ownerId, 'dataProvider' => $searchClass->search([])]);
        throw new NotFoundHttpException(Yii::t('fileupload', 'Page not found'));