FluidTYPO3\Flux\ViewHelpers\Field\SelectViewHelper::initializeArguments PHP Method

initializeArguments() public method

public initializeArguments ( ) : void
return void
    public function initializeArguments()
        $this->registerArgument('items', 'mixed', 'Items for the selector; array / CSV / Traversable / Query supported', TRUE);
        $this->registerArgument('emptyOption', 'mixed', 'If not-FALSE, adds one empty option/value pair to the generated selector box and tries to use this property\'s value (cast to string) as label.', FALSE, FALSE);
        $this->registerArgument('translateCsvItems', 'boolean', 'If TRUE, attempts to resolve a LLL label for each value provided as CSV in "items" attribute using convention for lookup "$field.option.123" if given "123" as CSV item value. Field name is determined by normal Flux field name conventions');
        $this->registerArgument('renderType', 'string', 'Rendering type as applies in FormEngine/TCA', FALSE, 'selectSingle');
        $this->registerArgument('showIconTable', 'boolean', 'If TRUE shows the option icons as table beneath the select', FALSE, FALSE);

Usage Example

  * Initialize
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     $this->overrideArgument('items', 'mixed', 'Optional, full list of items to display - note: if used, this overrides any automatic option filling!', FALSE, NULL);
     $this->overrideArgument('name', 'string', 'Name of the field', FALSE, 'switchableControllerActions');
     $this->registerArgument('controllerExtensionName', 'string', 'Name of the Extbase extension that contains the Controller to parse, ex. MyExtension. In vendor based extensions use dot, ex. Vendor.MyExtension');
     $this->registerArgument('pluginName', 'string', 'Name of the Extbase plugin that contains Controller definitions to parse, ex. MyPluginName');
     $this->registerArgument('controllerName', 'string', 'Optional extra limiting of actions displayed - if used, field only displays actions for this controller name - ex Article(Controller) or FrontendUser(Controller) - the Controller part is implied', FALSE, NULL);
     $this->registerArgument('actions', 'array', 'Array of "ControllerName" => "csv,of,actions" which are allowed. If used, does not require the use of an ExtensionName and PluginName (will use the one specified in your current plugin automatically)', FALSE, array());
     $this->registerArgument('excludeActions', 'array', 'Array of "ControllerName" => "csv,of,actions" which must be excluded', FALSE, array());
     $this->registerArgument('prefixOnRequiredArguments', 'string', 'A short string denoting that the method takes arguments, ex * (which should then be explained in the documentation for your extension about how to setup your plugins', FALSE, '*');
     $this->registerArgument('disableLocalLanguageLabels', 'boolean', 'If TRUE, disables LLL label usage and just uses the class comment or Controller->action syntax', FALSE, FALSE);
     $this->registerArgument('localLanguageFileRelativePath', 'string', 'Relative (from extension $extensionName) path to locallang file containing the action method labels', FALSE, '/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xml');
     $this->registerArgument('subActions', 'array', "Array of sub actions {ControllerName: {list: 'update,delete'}, OtherController: {new: 'create'}} which are also allowed but not presented as options when the mapped action is selected (in example: if ControllerName->list is selected, ControllerName->update and ControllerName->delete are allowed - but cannot be selected).", FALSE, array());
     $this->registerArgument('separator', 'string', 'Separator string (glue) for Controller->action values, defaults to "->". Empty values result in default being used.', FALSE, NULL);