Imdb\Title::mainPictures PHP Method

mainPictures() public method

Get URLs for the pictures on the main page
Author: moonface
Author: izzy
public mainPictures ( ) : array
return array [0..n] of [imgsrc, imglink, bigsrc], where
  • imgsrc is the URL of the thumbnail IMG as displayed on main page
  • imglink is the link to the page with the "big image"
  • bigsrc is the URL of the "big size" image itself
    public function mainPictures()
        if (empty($this->main_pictures)) {
            preg_match('!<div class="mediastrip">\\s*(.*?)\\s*</div>!ims', $this->page["Title"], $match);
            if (@preg_match_all('!<a .*?href="(?<href>.*?)".*?<img.*?src="(.*?)".*?loadlate="(?<imgsrc>.*?)"!ims', $match[1], $matches)) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); ++$i) {
                    $this->main_pictures[$i]["imgsrc"] = $matches['imgsrc'][$i];
                    if (substr($matches['href'][$i], 0, 4) != "http") {
                        $matches['href'][$i] = "http://" . $this->imdbsite . $matches[1][$i];
                    $this->main_pictures[$i]["imglink"] = $matches['href'][$i];
                    preg_match('|(.*\\._V1).*|iUs', $matches['imgsrc'][$i], $big);
                    $ext = substr($matches[2][$i], -3);
                    $this->main_pictures[$i]["bigsrc"] = $big[1] . ".{$ext}";
                    /*          // Get bigsrc from linked photo page. (proposed by ticket:327 -- seems to result in the same as above, so keeping it just-in-case)
                              //preg_match('!<div id="photo-container".*?>\s*(.*?)\s*</div>!ims',$this->getWebPage("Bigsrc", $matches[1][$i]),$match2);
                              //if (@preg_match_all('!<img.*?id="primary-img".*?src="(.*?)".*?!ims',$match2[1],$matches2)) {
                              //  $this->main_pictures[$i]["bigsrc"] = $matches2[1][0];
                              //} */
        return $this->main_pictures;