JeroenG\Packager\PackagerNewCommand::handle PHP Method

handle() public method

Execute the console command.
public handle ( ) : mixed
return mixed
    public function handle()
        // Start the progress bar
        $bar = $this->helper->barSetup($this->output->createProgressBar(7));
        // Common variables
        // Starting with vendor/package, optionally defined interactively
        if ($this->option('i')) {
            $vendor = $this->ask('What will be the vendor name?', $this->argument('vendor'));
            $name = $this->ask('What will be the package name?', $this->argument('name'));
        } else {
            $vendor = $this->argument('vendor');
            $name = $this->argument('name');
        $path = getcwd() . '/packages/';
        $fullPath = $path . $vendor . '/' . $name;
        $requireSupport = '"illuminate/support": "~5.1",
        $requirement = '"psr-4": {
            "' . $vendor . '\\\\' . $name . '\\\\": "packages/' . $vendor . '/' . $name . '/src",';
        $appConfigLine = 'App\\Providers\\RouteServiceProvider::class,

        ' . $vendor . '\\' . $name . '\\' . $name . 'ServiceProvider::class,';
        // Start creating the package
        $this->info('Creating package ' . $vendor . '\\' . $name . '...');
        $this->helper->checkExistingPackage($path, $vendor, $name);
        // Create the package directory
        $this->info('Creating packages directory...');
        // Create the vendor directory
        $this->info('Creating vendor...');
        $this->helper->makeDir($path . $vendor);
        // Get the skeleton repo from the PHP League
        $this->info('Downloading skeleton...');
        $this->helper->download($zipFile = $this->helper->makeFilename(), '')->extract($zipFile, $path . $vendor)->cleanUp($zipFile);
        rename($path . $vendor . '/skeleton-master', $fullPath);
        // Creating a Laravel Service Provider in the src directory
        $this->info('Creating service provider...');
        $newProvider = $fullPath . '/src/' . $name . 'ServiceProvider.php';
        $this->helper->replaceAndSave(__DIR__ . '/ServiceProvider.stub', ['{{vendor}}', '{{name}}'], [$vendor, $name], $newProvider);
        // Replacing skeleton placeholders
        $this->info('Replacing skeleton placeholders...');
        $this->helper->replaceAndSave($fullPath . '/src/SkeletonClass.php', 'namespace League\\Skeleton;', 'namespace ' . $vendor . '\\' . $name . ';');
        $search = [':vendor', ':package_name', ':vendor\\\\:package_name\\\\', ':vendor/:package_name', 'thephpleague/:package_name', 'league/:package_name', '"php"', 'League\\\\Skeleton\\\\', 'League\\\\Skeleton\\\\Test\\\\'];
        $replace = [$vendor, $name, $vendor . '\\\\' . $name . '\\\\', $vendor . '/' . $name, $vendor . '/' . $name, $vendor . '/' . $name, $requireSupport, $vendor . '\\\\' . $name . '\\\\', $vendor . '\\\\' . $name . '\\\\Test\\\\'];
        $this->helper->replaceAndSave($fullPath . '/composer.json', $search, $replace);
        if ($this->option('i')) {
            $this->interactiveReplace($vendor, $name, $fullPath);
        // Add it to composer.json
        $this->info('Adding package to composer and app...');
        $this->helper->replaceAndSave(getcwd() . '/composer.json', '"psr-4": {', $requirement);
        // And add it to the providers array in config/app.php
        $this->helper->replaceAndSave(getcwd() . '/config/app.php', 'App\\Providers\\RouteServiceProvider::class,', $appConfigLine);
        // Finished creating the package, end of the progress bar
        $this->info('Package created successfully!');
        $bar = null;