LaravelAngular\Generators\Console\Commands\PwaManifest::handle PHP Method

handle() public method

Execute the console command.
public handle ( ) : mixed
return mixed
    public function handle()
        $manifest['lang'] = $this->ask('Enter the language', 'en-us');
        $manifest['name'] = $this->ask('Enter the name of your app', 'Laravel & Angular');
        $manifest['short_name'] = $this->ask('Enter the short name of your app', 'Laravel & Angular');
        $manifest['display'] = $this->anticipate('Choose a display type? [fullscreen|standalone|minimal-ui|browser]', ['fullscreen', 'standalone', 'minimal-ui', 'browser'], 'standalone');
        $manifest['start_url'] = $this->ask('Enter the start url', '/?homescreen=1');
        $manifest['background_color'] = $this->ask('Enter a background color: ', '#ffffff');
        $manifest['theme_color'] = $this->ask('Enter your theme color', '#0690B7');
        $manifest['icons'] = [['src' => 'img/icon.png', 'sizes' => '198x198', 'type' => 'image/png']];
        $output = json_encode($manifest, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
        file_put_contents('public/manifest.json', $output);
        $this->info("Manifest generated successfully.\r\nDon't forget to update your icon in public/img/icon.png");