LazyRecord\SqlBuilder\MysqlBuilder::buildColumnSql PHP Method

buildColumnSql() public method

MySQL Syntax: reference_definition: REFERENCES tbl_name (index_col_name,...) [MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE] [ON DELETE reference_option] [ON UPDATE reference_option] reference_option: RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION A reference example: PRIMARY KEY (idEmployee) , CONSTRAINT fkEmployee_Addresses FOREIGN KEY fkEmployee_Addresses (idAddresses) REFERENCES schema.Addresses (idAddresses) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION FOREIGN KEY (order_uuid) REFERENCES orders(uuid)
public buildColumnSql ( LazyRecord\Schema\SchemaInterface $schema, DeclareColumn $column )
$schema LazyRecord\Schema\SchemaInterface
$column lazyrecord\schema\DeclareColumn
    public function buildColumnSql(SchemaInterface $schema, DeclareColumn $column)
        $name = $column->name;
        $isa = $column->isa ?: 'str';
        if (!$column->type && $isa == 'str') {
            $column->type = 'text';
        $args = new ArgumentArray();
        $sql = $column->buildDefinitionSql($this->driver, $args);
        	FOREIGN KEY(trackartist) REFERENCES artist(artistid)
            artist_id INTEGER REFERENCES artist
        And here is the important part:
        Furthermore, MySQL parses but ignores “inline REFERENCES
        specifications” (as defined in the SQL standard) where the references
        are defined as part of the column specification.
        MySQL accepts REFERENCES clauses only when specified as part of a
        separate FOREIGN KEY specification. For storage engines that do not
        support foreign keys (such as MyISAM), MySQL Server parses and ignores
        foreign key specifications.
        A column with foreign key should not be nullable.
        foreach ($schema->relations as $rel) {
            switch ($rel['type']) {
                case Relationship::BELONGS_TO:
                    if ($name != 'id' && $rel['self_column'] == $name) {
                        $fSchema = new $rel['foreign_schema']();
                        $fColumn = $rel['foreign_column'];
        return $sql;