LdapTools\Security\Ace\AceType::getValue PHP Method

getValue() public method

Get the type value of the Ace.
public getValue ( ) : integer
return integer
    public function getValue()
        return $this->type;

Usage Example

Beispiel #1
  * @param string $ace
 protected function decodeFromBinary($ace)
     $ace = bin2hex($ace);
     $this->type = new AceType(hexdec(substr($ace, 0, 2)));
     $this->flags = new AceFlags(hexdec(substr($ace, 2, 2)));
     $this->aceRights = new AceRights($this->hexSLong32Be2Int(substr($ace, 8, 8)));
     // If this is an object-specific ACE type, then it contains additional object GUID(s) and flags...
     $position = 16;
     if (substr(array_search($this->type->getValue(), AceType::TYPE), -strlen("OBJECT")) === "OBJECT") {
         $this->objectFlags = new AceObjectFlags($this->hexULong32Le2int(substr($ace, 16, 8)));
         $position += 8;
         if ($this->objectFlags->has(AceObjectFlags::FLAG['OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT'])) {
             $this->objectType = new GUID(hex2bin(substr($ace, $position, 32)));
             $position += 32;
         if ($this->objectFlags->has(AceObjectFlags::FLAG['INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT'])) {
             $this->inheritedObjectType = new GUID(hex2bin(substr($ace, $position, 32)));
             $position += 32;
     $this->trustee = new SID(hex2bin(substr($ace, $position)));
     $position += strlen(bin2hex($this->trustee->toBinary()));
     $size = $this->hexUShort16Le2Int(substr($ace, 4, 4));
     if ($position < $size * 2) {
         $this->applciationData = hex2bin(substr($ace, $position));