* Command execute method
* @return mixed
* @throws \Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException
public function execute()
$message = $this->getMessage();
$chat = $message->getChat();
$user = $message->getFrom();
$text = trim($message->getText(true));
$chat_id = $chat->getId();
$user_id = $user->getId();
//Preparing Response
$data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id];
if ($chat->isGroupChat() || $chat->isSuperGroup()) {
//reply to message id is applied by default
//Force reply is applied by default so it can work with privacy on
$data['reply_markup'] = Keyboard::forceReply(['selective' => true]);
//Conversation start
$this->conversation = new Conversation($user_id, $chat_id, $this->getName());
$notes =& $this->conversation->notes;
!is_array($notes) && ($notes = []);
//cache data from the tracking session if any
$state = 0;
if (isset($notes['state'])) {
$state = $notes['state'];
$result = Request::emptyResponse();
//State machine
//Entrypoint of the machine state if given by the track
//Every time a step is achieved the track is updated
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if ($text === '') {
$notes['state'] = 0;
$data['text'] = 'Type your name:';
$data['reply_markup'] = Keyboard::remove(['selective' => true]);
$result = Request::sendMessage($data);
$notes['name'] = $text;
$text = '';
// no break
// no break
case 1:
if ($text === '') {
$notes['state'] = 1;
$data['text'] = 'Type your surname:';
$result = Request::sendMessage($data);
$notes['surname'] = $text;
$text = '';
// no break
// no break
case 2:
if ($text === '' || !is_numeric($text)) {
$notes['state'] = 2;
$data['text'] = 'Type your age:';
if ($text !== '') {
$data['text'] = 'Type your age, must be a number:';
$result = Request::sendMessage($data);
$notes['age'] = $text;
$text = '';
// no break
// no break
case 3:
if ($text === '' || !in_array($text, ['M', 'F'], true)) {
$notes['state'] = 3;
$data['reply_markup'] = (new Keyboard(['M', 'F']))->setResizeKeyboard(true)->setOneTimeKeyboard(true)->setSelective(true);
$data['text'] = 'Select your gender:';
if ($text !== '') {
$data['text'] = 'Select your gender, choose a keyboard option:';
$result = Request::sendMessage($data);
$notes['gender'] = $text;
// no break
// no break
case 4:
if ($message->getLocation() === null) {
$notes['state'] = 4;
$data['reply_markup'] = (new Keyboard((new KeyboardButton('Share Location'))->setRequestLocation(true)))->setOneTimeKeyboard(true)->setResizeKeyboard(true)->setSelective(true);
$data['text'] = 'Share your location:';
$result = Request::sendMessage($data);
$notes['longitude'] = $message->getLocation()->getLongitude();
$notes['latitude'] = $message->getLocation()->getLatitude();
// no break
// no break
case 5:
if ($message->getPhoto() === null) {
$notes['state'] = 5;
$data['text'] = 'Insert your picture:';
$result = Request::sendMessage($data);
/** @var PhotoSize $photo */
$photo = $message->getPhoto()[0];
$notes['photo_id'] = $photo->getFileId();
// no break
// no break
case 6:
if ($message->getContact() === null) {
$notes['state'] = 6;
$data['reply_markup'] = (new Keyboard((new KeyboardButton('Share Contact'))->setRequestContact(true)))->setOneTimeKeyboard(true)->setResizeKeyboard(true)->setSelective(true);
$data['text'] = 'Share your contact information:';
$result = Request::sendMessage($data);
$notes['phone_number'] = $message->getContact()->getPhoneNumber();
// no break
// no break
case 7:
$out_text = '/Survey result:' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($notes as $k => $v) {
$out_text .= PHP_EOL . ucfirst($k) . ': ' . $v;
$data['photo'] = $notes['photo_id'];
$data['reply_markup'] = Keyboard::remove(['selective' => true]);
$data['caption'] = $out_text;
$result = Request::sendPhoto($data);
return $result;