Microweber\Providers\UpdateManager::install_from_market PHP Method

install_from_market() private method

private install_from_market ( $item )
    private function install_from_market($item)
        if (isset($item['url']) and !isset($item['download'])) {
            $item['download'] = $item['url'];
        } elseif (isset($item['download_url']) and !isset($item['download'])) {
            $item['download'] = $item['download_url'];
        $download_target = false;
        if (isset($item['download']) and !isset($item['size'])) {
            $url = $item['download'];
            $download_target = $this->temp_dir . md5($url) . basename($url);
            $download_target_extract_lock = $this->temp_dir . md5($url) . basename($url) . '.unzip_lock';
            $this->_log_msg('Downloading from marketplace');
            //if (!is_file($download_target)){
            $dl = $this->http()->url($url)->download($download_target);
        } elseif (isset($item['download']) and isset($item['size'])) {
            $expected = intval($item['size']);
            $download_link = $item['download'];
            $ext = get_file_extension($download_link);
            if ($ext != 'zip') {
            if ($download_link != false and $expected > 0) {
                $text = $download_link;
                $regex = '/\\b((?:[\\w\\d]+\\:\\/\\/)?(?:[\\w\\-\\d]+\\.)+[\\w\\-\\d]+(?:\\/[\\w\\-\\d]+)*(?:\\/|\\.[\\w\\-\\d]+)?(?:\\?[\\w\\-\\d]+\\=[\\w\\-\\d]+\\&?)?(?:\\#[\\w\\-\\d]*)?)\\b/';
                preg_match_all($regex, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
                foreach ($matches as $match) {
                    if (isset($match[0])) {
                        $url = $download_link;
                        $download_target = $this->temp_dir . basename($download_link);
                        $download_target_extract_lock = $this->temp_dir . basename($download_link) . '.unzip_lock';
                        $expectd_item_size = $item['size'];
                        if (!is_file($download_target) or filesize($download_target) != $item['size']) {
                            $dl = $this->http()->url($url)->download($download_target);
                            if ($dl == false) {
                                if (is_file($download_target) and filesize($download_target) != $item['size']) {
                                    $fs = filesize($download_target);
                                    return array('size' => $fs, 'expected_size' => $expected, 'try_again' => 'true', 'warning' => 'Only ' . $fs . ' bytes downloaded of total ' . $expected);
        if ($download_target != false and is_file($download_target)) {
            $where_to_unzip = MW_ROOTPATH;
            if (isset($item['item_type'])) {
                if ($item['item_type'] == 'module') {
                    $where_to_unzip = modules_path();
                } elseif ($item['item_type'] == 'module_template') {
                    $where_to_unzip = modules_path();
                } elseif ($item['item_type'] == 'template') {
                    $where_to_unzip = templates_path();
                } elseif ($item['item_type'] == 'element') {
                    $where_to_unzip = elements_path();
                if (isset($item['install_path']) and $item['install_path'] != false) {
                    if ($item['item_type'] == 'module_template') {
                        $where_to_unzip = $where_to_unzip . DS . $item['install_path'] . DS . 'templates' . DS;
                    } else {
                        $where_to_unzip = $where_to_unzip . DS . $item['install_path'];
                $where_to_unzip = str_replace('..', '', $where_to_unzip);
                $where_to_unzip = normalize_path($where_to_unzip, true);
                $this->_log_msg('Unzipping in ' . $where_to_unzip);
                $unzip = new \Microweber\Utils\Unzip();
                $target_dir = $where_to_unzip;
                $result = $unzip->extract($download_target, $target_dir, $preserve_filepath = true);
                $new_composer = $target_dir . 'composer.json';
                if (is_file($new_composer)) {
                    // $this->composer_merge($new_composer);
                $num_files = count($result);
                return array('files' => $result, 'location' => $where_to_unzip, 'success' => "Item is installed. {$num_files} files extracted in {$where_to_unzip}");