Minify\App::__construct PHP Method

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $dir )
$dir string Directory containing config files
    public function __construct($dir)
        $that = $this;
        $this->dir = rtrim($dir, '/\\');
        $this->cache = function (App $app) use($that) {
            $config = $app->config;
            if ($config->cachePath instanceof \Minify_CacheInterface) {
                return $config->cachePath;
            if (!$config->cachePath || is_string($config->cachePath)) {
                return new \Minify_Cache_File($config->cachePath, $config->cacheFileLocking, $app->logger);
            $type = $that->typeOf($config->cachePath);
            throw new \RuntimeException('$min_cachePath must be a path or implement Minify_CacheInterface.' . " Given {$type}");
        $this->config = function (App $app) {
            $config = (require $app->configPath);
            if ($config instanceof \Minify\Config) {
                return $config;
            // copy from vars into properties
            $config = new \Minify\Config();
            $propNames = array_keys(get_object_vars($config));
            $prefixer = function ($name) {
                return "min_{$name}";
            $varNames = array_map($prefixer, $propNames);
            $vars = compact($varNames);
            foreach ($varNames as $varName) {
                if (isset($vars[$varName])) {
                    $config->{substr($varName, 4)} = $vars[$varName];
            return $config;
        $this->configPath = "{$this->dir}/config.php";
        $this->controller = function (App $app) use($that) {
            $config = $app->config;
            if (empty($config->factories['controller'])) {
                $ctrl = new \Minify_Controller_MinApp($app->env, $app->sourceFactory, $app->logger);
            } else {
                $ctrl = call_user_func($config->factories['controller'], $app);
            if ($ctrl instanceof \Minify_ControllerInterface) {
                return $ctrl;
            $type = $that->typeOf($ctrl);
            throw new \RuntimeException('$min_factories["controller"] callable must return an implementation' . " of Minify_CacheInterface. Returned {$type}");
        $this->docRoot = function (App $app) {
            $config = $app->config;
            if (empty($config->documentRoot)) {
                return $app->env->getDocRoot();
            return $app->env->normalizePath($config->documentRoot);
        $this->env = function (App $app) {
            $config = $app->config;
            $envArgs = empty($config->envArgs) ? array() : $config->envArgs;
            return new \Minify_Env($envArgs);
        $this->errorLogHandler = function (App $app) {
            $format = "%channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%";
            $handler = new \Monolog\Handler\ErrorLogHandler();
            $handler->setFormatter(new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter($format));
            return $handler;
        $this->groupsConfig = function (App $app) {
            return require $app->groupsConfigPath;
        $this->groupsConfigPath = "{$this->dir}/groupsConfig.php";
        $this->logger = function (App $app) use($that) {
            $value = $app->config->errorLogger;
            if ($value instanceof \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface) {
                return $value;
            $logger = new \Monolog\Logger('minify');
            if (!$value) {
                return $logger;
            if ($value === true || $value instanceof \FirePHP) {
                $logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\FirePHPHandler());
                return $logger;
            if ($value instanceof \Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface) {
                return $logger;
            // BC
            if (is_object($value) && is_callable(array($value, 'log'))) {
                $handler = new \Minify\Logger\LegacyHandler($value);
                return $logger;
            $type = $that->typeOf($value);
            throw new \RuntimeException('If set, $min_errorLogger must be a PSR-3 logger or a Monolog handler.' . " Given {$type}");
        $this->minify = function (App $app) use($that) {
            $config = $app->config;
            if (empty($config->factories['minify'])) {
                return new \Minify($app->cache, $app->logger);
            $minify = call_user_func($config->factories['minify'], $app);
            if ($minify instanceof \Minify) {
                return $minify;
            $type = $that->typeOf($minify);
            throw new \RuntimeException('$min_factories["minify"] callable must return a Minify object.' . " Returned {$type}");
        $this->serveOptions = function (App $app) {
            $config = $app->config;
            $env = $app->env;
            $ret = $config->serveOptions;
            $ret['minifierOptions']['text/css']['docRoot'] = $app->docRoot;
            $ret['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'] = $config->symlinks;
            $ret['minApp']['symlinks'] = $config->symlinks;
            // auto-add targets to allowDirs
            foreach ($config->symlinks as $uri => $target) {
                $ret['minApp']['allowDirs'][] = $target;
            if ($config->allowDebugFlag) {
                $ret['debug'] = \Minify_DebugDetector::shouldDebugRequest($env);
            if ($config->concatOnly) {
                $ret['concatOnly'] = true;
            // check for URI versioning
            if ($env->get('v') !== null || preg_match('/&\\d/', $app->env->server('QUERY_STRING'))) {
                $ret['maxAge'] = 31536000;
            // need groups config?
            if ($env->get('g') !== null) {
                $ret['minApp']['groups'] = $app->groupsConfig;
            return $ret;
        $this->sourceFactory = function (App $app) {
            return new \Minify_Source_Factory($app->env, $app->sourceFactoryOptions, $app->cache);
        $this->sourceFactoryOptions = function (App $app) {
            $serveOptions = $app->serveOptions;
            $ret = array();
            // translate legacy setting to option for source factory
            if (isset($serveOptions['minApp']['noMinPattern'])) {
                $ret['noMinPattern'] = $serveOptions['minApp']['noMinPattern'];
            if (isset($serveOptions['minApp']['allowDirs'])) {
                $ret['allowDirs'] = $serveOptions['minApp']['allowDirs'];
            if (isset($serveOptions['checkAllowDirs'])) {
                $ret['checkAllowDirs'] = $serveOptions['checkAllowDirs'];
            if (is_numeric($app->config->uploaderHoursBehind)) {
                $ret['uploaderHoursBehind'] = $app->config->uploaderHoursBehind;
            return $ret;