N98\Magento\Command\ScriptCommand::configure PHP Method

configure() protected method

protected configure ( )
    protected function configure()
        $this->setName('script')->addArgument('filename', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Script file')->addOption('define', 'd', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'Defines a variable')->addOption('stop-on-error', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Stops execution of script on error')->setDescription('Runs multiple n98-magerun commands');
        $help = <<<HELP

   # Set multiple config
   config:set "web/cookie/cookie_domain" example.com

   # Set with multiline values with "
   config:set "general/store_information/address" "First line
Second line
Third line"

   # This is a comment

Optionally you can work with unix pipes.

   \$ echo "cache:flush" | n98-magerun-dev script

   \$ n98-magerun.phar script < filename

It is even possible to create executable scripts:

Create file `test.magerun` and make it executable (`chmod +x test.magerun`):

   #!/usr/bin/env n98-magerun.phar script

   config:set "web/cookie/cookie_domain" example.com

   # Run a shell script with "!" as first char
   ! ls -l

   # Register your own variable (only key = value currently supported)

   # Let magerun ask for variable value - add a question mark

   ! echo \${my.var}

   # Use resolved variables from n98-magerun in shell commands
   ! ls -l \${magento.root}/code/local

Pre-defined variables:

* \${magento.root}    -> Magento Root-Folder
* \${magento.version} -> Magento Version i.e.
* \${magento.edition} -> Magento Edition -> Community or Enterprise
* \${magerun.version} -> Magerun version i.e. 1.66.0
* \${php.version}     -> PHP Version
* \${script.file}     -> Current script file path
* \${script.dir}      -> Current script file dir

Variables can be passed to a script with "--define (-d)" option.


   \$ n98-magerun.phar script -d foo=bar filename

   # This will register the variable \${foo} with value bar.

It's possible to define multiple values by passing more than one option.