phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\MethodTag::setContent PHP Method

setContent() public method

public setContent ( $content )
    public function setContent($content)
        // 1. none or more whitespace
        // 2. optionally a word with underscores followed by whitespace : as
        //    type for the return value
        // 3. then optionally a word with underscores followed by () and
        //    whitespace : as method name as used by phpDocumentor
        // 4. then a word with underscores, followed by ( and any character
        //    until a ) and whitespace : as method name with signature
        // 5. any remaining text : as description
        if (preg_match('/^
                # Return type
                # Legacy method name (not captured)
                # Method name
                # Arguments
                # Description
            $/sux', $this->description, $matches)) {
            list(, $this->type, $this->method_name, $this->arguments, $this->description) = $matches;
            if (!$this->type) {
                $this->type = 'void';
            $this->parsedDescription = null;
        } else {
            echo date('c') . ' ERR (3): @method contained invalid contents: ' . $this->content . PHP_EOL;
        return $this;