IndexAction::getMessage PHP Method

getMessage() public method

public getMessage ( ) : [type]
return [type]
    public function getMessage()
        $type = t($_GET['type']);
        if (!in_array($type, array('msg', 'at', 'com', 'pmsg'))) {
            $this->ajaxReturn(null, '信息获取失败', 0);
        $limit = 10;
        $html = '';
        switch ($type) {
            case 'msg':
                $map['uid'] = $this->mid;
                $notifyList = D('notify_message')->where($map)->order('ctime DESC')->findPage($limit);
                foreach ($notifyList['data'] as $item) {
                    $content = str_replace('__THEME__', THEME_PUBLIC_URL, parse_html($item['body']));
                    if ($item['node'] == 'user_follow') {
                        $html .= '<li onclick="location.href=\'' . U('public/Index/follower') . '\'">' . $content . '</li>';
                    } elseif ($item['node'] == 'digg') {
                        preg_match_all('%<a[\\s\\S]*?href="([^"]+)[^>]+>([\\s\\S]*?)</a>%', $content, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                        $url = $match[1][count($match[0]) - 1];
                        $html .= '<li onclick="location.href=\'' . $url . '\'">' . $content . '</li>';
                    } else {
                        $html .= '<li>' . $content . '</li>';
            case 'at':
                // $map['uid'] = $this->mid;
                // $atList = model('Atme')->where($map)->order('atme_id DESC')->findPage($limit);
                $table = "( SELECT a.`atme_id`, a.`app`, a.`table`, CASE a.`table` WHEN 'comment' THEN b.`row_id` ELSE a.`row_id` END AS `row_id`, a.`uid`, a.`row_id` AS `old_row_id` FROM " . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'atme AS a LEFT JOIN ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'comment AS b ON a.row_id = b.comment_id WHERE a.uid = ' . $this->mid . ' ORDER BY a.`atme_id` DESC) AS NEW ';
                $atList = D()->table($table)->group('`app`, `table`, `row_id`, `uid`')->order('`atme_id` DESC')->findPage($limit);
                if (!empty($atList)) {
                    $space = $content = '';
                    foreach ($atList['data'] as $item) {
                        $item['row_id'] = $item['old_row_id'];
                        switch (strtolower($item['table'])) {
                            case 'feed':
                                $data = model('Feed')->getFeedInfo($item['row_id']);
                                $space = '<a href="' . U('public/Profile/index', array('uid' => $data['uid'])) . '">' . getUserName($data['uid']) . '</a>';
                                if ($data['is_audit'] == 0) {
                                    $content = '内容正在审核';
                                } else {
                                    $data['content'] = explode('//', $data['content']);
                                    $data['content'] = $data['content'][0];
                                    $content = str_replace('__THEME__', THEME_PUBLIC_URL, parse_html($data['content']));
                                $html .= '<li source-id="' . $item['atme_id'] . '">' . $space . '在分享中@我:' . $content . '</li>';
                            case 'comment':
                                $data = model('Comment')->getCommentInfo($item['row_id']);
                                $space = '<a href="' . U('public/Profile/index', array('uid' => $data['uid'])) . '">' . getUserName($data['uid']) . '</a>';
                                if ($data['is_audit'] == 0) {
                                    $content = '内容正在审核';
                                } else {
                                    $data['content'] = explode('//', $data['content']);
                                    $data['content'] = $data['content'][0];
                                    if (preg_match("/^<a\\s+href=[^h]*http:\$/", $data['content'])) {
                                        $data['content'] .= $data['content'][1];
                                    $content = str_replace('__THEME__', THEME_PUBLIC_URL, parse_html($data['content']));
                                $html .= '<li source-id="' . $item['atme_id'] . '">' . $space . '在评论中@我:' . $content . '</li>';
                model('UserCount')->resetUserCount($this->mid, 'unread_atme', 0);
            case 'com':
                // 收到的
                // $map['_string'] = " (to_uid = '{$this->mid}' OR app_uid = '{$this->mid}') AND is_del = 0 AND uid !=".$this->mid;
                $tab = model('Comment')->getTab($map);
                $tabHash = array();
                foreach ($tab as $key => $val) {
                    if ($key === 'feed') {
                        $tabHash['feed'] = '分享';
                    } elseif ($key === 'webpage') {
                        $tabHash['webpage'] = '评论箱';
                    } else {
                        strtolower($key) === 'weiba_post' && ($key = 'weiba');
                        $langKey = 'PUBLIC_APPNAME_' . strtoupper($key);
                        $lang = L($langKey);
                        if ($lang == $langKey) {
                            $tabHash[$key] = ucfirst($key);
                        } else {
                            $tabHash[$key] = $lang;
                $table = '(SELECT * FROM `' . C('DB_PREFIX') . "comment` WHERE ((`to_uid` = '" . $this->mid . "' OR `app_uid` = '" . $this->mid . "') AND `is_del` = 0 AND `uid` != '" . $this->mid . "') AND `table` != 'webpage' ORDER BY `ctime` DESC) AS NEW ";
                $commentList = D()->table($table)->group('`app` , `table` , `row_id` , `app_uid` , `uid`')->order('`ctime` DESC')->findPage($limit);
                foreach ($commentList['data'] as $item) {
                    $space = '<a href="' . U('public/Profile/index', array('uid' => $item['uid'])) . '">' . getUserName($item['uid']) . '</a>';
                    $feed = model('Feed')->get($item['row_id']);
                    if ($feed['is_audit'] == 0) {
                        $content = '内容正在审核';
                    } else {
                        if ($item['table'] === 'feed' && $item['app'] === 'public' || $feed['is_repost'] == 1) {
                            $content = unserialize($feed['feed_data']);
                            $content = str_replace('__THEME__', THEME_PUBLIC_URL, parse_html(getShort($content['content'], 20, '...')));
                        } else {
                            $source = model('Source')->getSourceInfo($item['table'], $item['row_id']);
                            $title = empty($source['api_source']['title']) ? '内容已被删除' : $source['api_source']['title'];
                            $content = str_replace('__THEME__', THEME_PUBLIC_URL, parse_html($title));
                    $html .= '<li source-id="' . $item['comment_id'] . '">' . $space . '评论了' . $tabHash[$item['table']] . ':' . $content . '</li>';
                model('UserCount')->resetUserCount($this->mid, 'unread_comment', 0);
            case 'pmsg':
                $messageList = model('Message')->getMessageListByUid($this->mid, array(MessageModel::ONE_ON_ONE_CHAT, MessageModel::MULTIPLAYER_CHAT), $limit);
                foreach ($messageList['data'] as $item) {
                    if ($item['last_message']['from_uid'] == $this->mid) {
                        $to = model('User')->getUserInfoByUids($item['last_message']['to_uid']);
                        $to = getSubByKey($to, 'space_link_no');
                        $space = implode('、', $to);
                        $content = str_replace('__THEME__', THEME_PUBLIC_URL, parse_html($item['last_message']['content']));
                        $html .= '<li source-id="' . $item['list_id'] . '">我发送给' . $space . ':' . $content . '</li>';
                    } else {
                        $space = $item['last_message']['user_info']['space_link_no'];
                        $content = str_replace('__THEME__', THEME_PUBLIC_URL, parse_html($item['last_message']['content']));
                        $html .= '<li source-id="' . $item['list_id'] . '">' . $space . '说:' . $content . '</li>';
        if (!empty($html)) {
            $data['html'] = $html;
            $this->ajaxReturn($data, '获取内容成功', 1);
        } else {
            $this->ajaxReturn(null, '<p class="no-info">暂无此信息</p>', 0);