lithium\g11n\Multibyte::strrpos PHP Method

strrpos() public static method

Multibyte enabled version of strrpos(). Not all adapters must support interpreting - thus applying - passed numeric values as ordinal values of a character. The Iconv adapter doesn't support an offset as strpos() does - this constitutes the lowest common denominator here.
public static strrpos ( string $haystack, string $needle, array $options = [] ) : integer
$haystack string The string being checked.
$needle string The string to find in the haystack.
$options array Allows for selecting the adapter to use via the `name` options. Will use the `'default'` adapter by default.
return integer Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of the needle in the haystack string. If needle is not found, it returns `false`.
    public static function strrpos($haystack, $needle, array $options = array())
        $defaults = array('name' => 'default');
        $options += $defaults;
        return static::adapter($options['name'])->strrpos($haystack, $needle);

Usage Example

Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testStrrpos()
     Multibyte::strrpos('abcab', 'c');
     $result = $this->adapter->testStrrposArgs;
     $expected = array('abcab', 'c');
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);