Contract::cronContract PHP Méthode

cronContract() static public méthode

Cron action on contracts : alert depending of the config : on notice and expire
static public cronContract ( $task = NULL )
$task for log, if NULL display (default NULL)
    static function cronContract($task = NULL)
        global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
        if (!$CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) {
            return 0;
        $message = array();
        $items_notice = array();
        $items_end = array();
        $cron_status = 0;
        $contract_infos[Alert::END] = array();
        $contract_infos[Alert::NOTICE] = array();
        $contract_messages = array();
        foreach (Entity::getEntitiesToNotify('use_contracts_alert') as $entity => $value) {
            $before = Entity::getUsedConfig('send_contracts_alert_before_delay', $entity);
            $query_notice = "SELECT `glpi_contracts`.*\n                          FROM `glpi_contracts`\n                          LEFT JOIN `glpi_alerts`\n                              ON (`glpi_contracts`.`id` = `glpi_alerts`.`items_id`\n                                  AND `glpi_alerts`.`itemtype` = 'Contract'\n                                  AND `glpi_alerts`.`type`='" . Alert::NOTICE . "')\n                          WHERE (`glpi_contracts`.`alert` & " . pow(2, Alert::NOTICE) . ") >'0'\n                                AND `glpi_contracts`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                                AND `glpi_contracts`.`begin_date` IS NOT NULL\n                                AND `glpi_contracts`.`duration` <> '0'\n                                AND `glpi_contracts`.`notice` <> '0'\n                                AND DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(`glpi_contracts`.`begin_date`,\n                                                     INTERVAL `glpi_contracts`.`duration` MONTH),\n                                             CURDATE()) > '0'\n                                AND DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(`glpi_contracts`.`begin_date`,\n                                                     INTERVAL (`glpi_contracts`.`duration`\n                                                                -`glpi_contracts`.`notice`) MONTH),\n                                             CURDATE()) < '{$before}'\n                                AND `glpi_alerts`.`date` IS NULL\n                                AND `glpi_contracts`.`entities_id` = '" . $entity . "'";
            $query_end = "SELECT `glpi_contracts`.*\n                       FROM `glpi_contracts`\n                       LEFT JOIN `glpi_alerts`\n                           ON (`glpi_contracts`.`id` = `glpi_alerts`.`items_id`\n                               AND `glpi_alerts`.`itemtype` = 'Contract'\n                               AND `glpi_alerts`.`type`='" . Alert::END . "')\n                       WHERE (`glpi_contracts`.`alert` & " . pow(2, Alert::END) . ") > '0'\n                             AND `glpi_contracts`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                             AND `glpi_contracts`.`begin_date` IS NOT NULL\n                             AND `glpi_contracts`.`duration` <> '0'\n                             AND DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(`glpi_contracts`.`begin_date`,\n                                                  INTERVAL (`glpi_contracts`.`duration`) MONTH),\n                                          CURDATE()) < '{$before}'\n                             AND `glpi_alerts`.`date` IS NULL\n                             AND `glpi_contracts`.`entities_id` = '" . $entity . "'";
            $querys = array('notice' => $query_notice, 'end' => $query_end);
            foreach ($querys as $type => $query) {
                foreach ($DB->request($query) as $data) {
                    $entity = $data['entities_id'];
                    $message = sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s') . "<br>\n", $data["name"], Infocom::getWarrantyExpir($data["begin_date"], $data["duration"], $data["notice"]));
                    $data['items'] = Contract_Item::getItemsForContract($data['id'], $entity);
                    $contract_infos[$type][$entity][$data['id']] = $data;
                    if (!isset($contract_messages[$type][$entity])) {
                        switch ($type) {
                            case 'notice':
                                $contract_messages[$type][$entity] = __('Contract entered in notice time') . "<br>";
                            case 'end':
                                $contract_messages[$type][$entity] = __('Contract ended') . "<br>";
                    $contract_messages[$type][$entity] .= $message;
            // Get contrats with periodicity alerts
            $query_periodicity = "SELECT `glpi_contracts`.*\n                               FROM `glpi_contracts`\n                               WHERE `glpi_contracts`.`alert` & " . pow(2, Alert::PERIODICITY) . " > '0'\n                                     AND `glpi_contracts`.`entities_id` = '" . $entity . "' ";
            // Foreach ones :
            foreach ($DB->request($query_periodicity) as $data) {
                $entity = $data['entities_id'];
                // Compute end date + 12 month : do not send alerts after
                $end_alert = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data['begin_date'] . " +" . ($data['duration'] + 12) . " month"));
                if (!empty($data['begin_date']) && $data['periodicity'] && $end_alert > date('Y-m-d')) {
                    $todo = array('periodicity' => Alert::PERIODICITY);
                    if ($data['alert'] & pow(2, Alert::NOTICE)) {
                        $todo['periodicitynotice'] = Alert::NOTICE;
                    // Get previous alerts
                    foreach ($todo as $type => $event) {
                        $previous_alerts[$type] = Alert::getAlertDate(__CLASS__, $data['id'], $event);
                    // compute next alert date based on already send alerts (or not)
                    foreach ($todo as $type => $event) {
                        $next_alerts[$type] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data['begin_date'] . " -" . $before . " day"));
                        if ($type == Alert::NOTICE) {
                            $next_alerts[$type] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($next_alerts[$type] . " -" . $data['notice'] . " month"));
                        $today_limit = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d') . " -" . $data['periodicity'] . " month"));
                        // Init previous by begin date if not set
                        if (empty($previous_alerts[$type])) {
                            $previous_alerts[$type] = $today_limit;
                        while ($next_alerts[$type] < $previous_alerts[$type] && $next_alerts[$type] < $end_alert) {
                            $next_alerts[$type] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($next_alerts[$type] . " +" . $data['periodicity'] . " month"));
                        // If this date is passed : clean alerts and send again
                        if ($next_alerts[$type] <= date('Y-m-d')) {
                            $alert = new Alert();
                            $alert->clear(__CLASS__, $data['id'], $event);
                            $real_alert_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($next_alerts[$type] . " +" . $before . " day"));
                            $message = sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s') . "<br>\n", $data["name"], Html::convDate($real_alert_date));
                            $contract_infos[$type][$entity][$data['id']]['alert_date'] = $real_alert_date;
                            switch ($type) {
                                case 'periodicitynotice':
                                    $contract_messages[$type][$entity] = __('Contract entered in notice time for period') . "<br>";
                                case 'periodicity':
                                    $contract_messages[$type][$entity] = __('Contract period ended') . "<br>";
                            $contract_messages[$type][$entity] .= $message;
        foreach (array('notice' => Alert::NOTICE, 'end' => Alert::END, 'periodicity' => Alert::PERIODICITY, 'periodicitynotice' => Alert::NOTICE) as $event => $type) {
            if (isset($contract_infos[$event]) && count($contract_infos[$event])) {
                foreach ($contract_infos[$event] as $entity => $contracts) {
                    if (NotificationEvent::raiseEvent($event, new self(), array('entities_id' => $entity, 'items' => $contracts))) {
                        $message = $contract_messages[$event][$entity];
                        $cron_status = 1;
                        $entityname = Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity);
                        if ($task) {
                            $task->log(sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s') . "\n", $entityname, $message));
                        } else {
                            Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), $entityname, $message));
                        $alert = new Alert();
                        $input["itemtype"] = __CLASS__;
                        $input["type"] = $type;
                        foreach ($contracts as $id => $contract) {
                            $input["items_id"] = $id;
                    } else {
                        $entityname = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $entity);
                        //TRANS: %1$s is entity name, %2$s is the message
                        $msg = sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), $entityname, __('send contract alert failed'));
                        if ($task) {
                        } else {
                            Session::addMessageAfterRedirect($msg, false, ERROR);
        return $cron_status;