gb_maint::repair_repo_setup PHP Méthode

repair_repo_setup() static public méthode

static public repair_repo_setup ( )
    static function repair_repo_setup()
        git::exec('config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore');
        git::exec('config core.sharedRepository 1');
        static $hooks = array('post-commit' => '', 'post-update' => 'git --work-tree=.. checkout -f', 'post-checkout' => '', 'post-merge' => '');
        $post_update_relpath = gb_relpath(gb::$site_dir . '/.git/', gb::$dir . '/hooks/');
        foreach ($hooks as $name => $extras) {
            $path = gb::$site_dir . '/.git/hooks/' . $name;
            $s = is_file($path) ? file_get_contents($path) : '#!/bin/sh';
            if ($s === '#!/bin/sh' || strpos($s, '/gitblog/hooks/') === false) {
                $s .= "\n# This was added by gitblog:\n" . 'cd $(dirname "$0")/..' . "\n" . ($extras ? rtrim($extras) . "\n" : '') . ". {$post_update_relpath}\n";
                file_put_contents($path, $s, LOCK_EX);
                @chmod($path, 0774);
                gb::log('updated hook %s', $path);

Usage Example

Exemple #1
 static function init($add_sample_content = true, $shared = 'true', $theme = 'default', $mkdirmode = 0775)
     # sanity check
     $themedir = gb::$dir . '/themes/' . $theme;
     if (!is_dir($themedir)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('no theme named ' . $theme . ' (' . $themedir . 'not found or not a directory)');
     # git init
     git::init(null, null, $shared);
     # Create empty standard directories
     mkdir(gb::$site_dir . '/content/posts', $mkdirmode, true);
     chmod(gb::$site_dir . '/content', $mkdirmode);
     chmod(gb::$site_dir . '/content/posts', $mkdirmode);
     mkdir(gb::$site_dir . '/content/pages', $mkdirmode);
     chmod(gb::$site_dir . '/content/pages', $mkdirmode);
     mkdir(gb::$site_dir . '/data', $mkdirmode);
     chmod(gb::$site_dir . '/data', $mkdirmode);
     # Create hooks and set basic config
     # Copy default data sets
     $data_skeleton_dir = gb::$dir . '/skeleton/data';
     foreach (scandir($data_skeleton_dir) as $name) {
         if ($name[0] !== '.') {
             $path = $data_skeleton_dir . '/' . $name;
             if (is_file($path)) {
                 copy($path, gb::$site_dir . '/data/' . $name);
                 chmod(gb::$site_dir . '/data/' . $name, 0664);
     # Copy .gitignore
     copy(gb::$dir . '/skeleton/gitignore', gb::$site_dir . '/.gitignore');
     chmod(gb::$site_dir . '/.gitignore', 0664);
     # Copy theme
     $lnname = gb::$site_dir . '/index.php';
     $lntarget = gb_relpath($lnname, $themedir . '/index.php');
     symlink($lntarget, $lnname) or exit($lntarget);
     # Add gb-config.php (might been added already, might be missing and/or
     # might be ignored by custom .gitignore -- doesn't really matter)
     git::add('gb-config.php', false);
     # Add sample content
     if ($add_sample_content) {
         # Copy example "about" page
         copy(gb::$dir . '/skeleton/content/pages/about.html', gb::$site_dir . '/content/pages/about.html');
         chmod(gb::$site_dir . '/content/pages/about.html', 0664);
         # Copy example "about/intro" snippet
         mkdir(gb::$site_dir . '/content/pages/about', $mkdirmode);
         chmod(gb::$site_dir . '/content/pages/about', $mkdirmode);
         copy(gb::$dir . '/skeleton/content/pages/about/intro.html', gb::$site_dir . '/content/pages/about/intro.html');
         chmod(gb::$site_dir . '/content/pages/about/intro.html', 0664);
         # Copy example "hello world" post
         $s = file_get_contents(gb::$dir . '/skeleton/content/posts/0000-00-00-hello-world.html');
         $s = preg_replace('/published:.+/', 'published: ' . date('H:i:s O'), $s);
         $name = 'content/posts/' . gmdate('Y/m-d') . '-hello-world.html';
         $path = gb::$site_dir . '/' . $name;
         @mkdir(dirname($path), 0775, true);
         chmod(dirname($path), 0775);
         $s = str_replace('0000/00-00-hello-world.html', basename(dirname($name)) . '/' . basename($name), $s);
         file_put_contents($path, $s);
         chmod($path, 0664);
     return true;