Automattic\WP\Cron_Control\Cron_Options_CPT::get_option PHP Méthode

get_option() public méthode

Override cron option requests with data from CPT
public get_option ( )
    public function get_option()
        // Use cached value for reads, except when we're unscheduling and state is important
        if (!$this->is_unscheduling()) {
            $cached_option = wp_cache_get(self::CACHE_KEY, null, true);
            if (false !== $cached_option) {
                return $cached_option;
        // Start building a new cron option
        $cron_array = array('version' => 2);
        // Get events to re-render as the cron option
        $page = 1;
        do {
            $jobs_posts = $this->get_jobs(array('post_type' => self::POST_TYPE, 'post_status' => self::POST_STATUS_PENDING, 'suppress_filters' => false, 'posts_per_page' => 100, 'paged' => $page, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'ASC'));
            // Nothing more to add
            if (empty($jobs_posts)) {
            // Something's probably wrong if a site has more than 1,500 pending cron actions
            if ($page > 15) {
            // Loop through results and built output Core expects
            if (!empty($jobs_posts)) {
                foreach ($jobs_posts as $jobs_post) {
                    // Determine event timestamp
                    $timestamp = strtotime($jobs_post->post_date_gmt);
                    // When timestamp is invalid, perhaps due to post date being set to `0000-00-00 00:00:00`, attempt to fall back to the original value
                    if ($timestamp <= 0) {
                        $event_data = $jobs_post->post_title;
                        $event_data = explode('|', $event_data);
                        if (is_numeric($event_data[0])) {
                            $timestamp = (int) $event_data[0];
                    // If timestamp is still invalid, event is removed to let its source fix it
                    if ($timestamp <= 0) {
                    // Retrieve event's remaining data
                    $job_args = maybe_unserialize($jobs_post->post_content_filtered);
                    if (!is_array($job_args)) {
                    // Basic arguments to identify a job in the array format Core expects
                    $action = $job_args['action'];
                    $instance = $job_args['instance'];
                    $args = $job_args['args'];
                    // Exclude duplicates and prevent them from being run again
                    // Would normally do this asynchronously, but don't want to delay and risk the duplicate being run while the original is also pending/processing
                    if (isset($cron_array[$timestamp][$action][$instance])) {
                        $this->mark_job_post_completed($jobs_post->ID, false);
                    // Populate remaining job data
                    $cron_array[$timestamp][$action][$instance] = array('schedule' => $args['schedule'], 'args' => $args['args']);
                    if (isset($args['interval'])) {
                        $cron_array[$timestamp][$action][$instance]['interval'] = $args['interval'];
        } while (true);
        // Re-sort the array just as Core does when events are scheduled
        // Ensures events are sorted chronologically
        uksort($cron_array, 'strnatcasecmp');
        // If we're unscheduling an event, hold onto the previous value so we can identify what's unscheduled
        if ($this->is_unscheduling()) {
            $this->option_before_unscheduling = $cron_array;
        } else {
            $this->option_before_unscheduling = null;
        // Cache the results, bearing in mind that they won't be used during unscheduling events
        wp_cache_set(self::CACHE_KEY, $cron_array, null, 1 * \HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
        return $cron_array;