Backend\Modules\Tags\Installer\Installer::install PHP Méthode

install() public méthode

Install the module
public install ( )
    public function install()
        // load install.sql
        $this->importSQL(__DIR__ . '/Data/install.sql');
        // add 'blog' as a module
        // import locale
        $this->importLocale(__DIR__ . '/Data/locale.xml');
        // module rights
        $this->setModuleRights(1, 'Tags');
        // action rights
        $this->setActionRights(1, 'Tags', 'Autocomplete');
        $this->setActionRights(1, 'Tags', 'Edit');
        $this->setActionRights(1, 'Tags', 'Index');
        $this->setActionRights(1, 'Tags', 'MassAction');
        // set navigation
        $navigationModulesId = $this->setNavigation(null, 'Modules');
        $this->setNavigation($navigationModulesId, 'Tags', 'tags/index', array('tags/edit'));
        // add extra
        $tagsID = $this->insertExtra('Tags', ModuleExtraType::block(), 'Tags', null, null, 'N', 30);
        $this->insertExtra('Tags', ModuleExtraType::widget(), 'TagCloud', 'TagCloud', null, 'N', 31);
        $this->insertExtra('Tags', ModuleExtraType::widget(), 'Related', 'Related', null, 'N', 32);
        // get search extra id
        $searchId = (int) $this->getDB()->getVar('SELECT id FROM modules_extras WHERE module = ? AND type = ? AND action = ?', array('Search', ModuleExtraType::WIDGET, 'Form'));
        // loop languages
        foreach ($this->getLanguages() as $language) {
            // check if a page for tags already exists in this language
            // @todo refactor this if statement
            if (!(bool) $this->getDB()->getVar('SELECT 1
                 FROM pages AS p
                 INNER JOIN pages_blocks AS b ON b.revision_id = p.revision_id
                 WHERE b.extra_id = ? AND p.language = ?
                 LIMIT 1', array($tagsID, $language))) {
                // insert contact page
                $this->insertPage(array('title' => 'Tags', 'type' => 'root', 'language' => $language), null, array('extra_id' => $tagsID, 'position' => 'main'), array('extra_id' => $searchId, 'position' => 'top'));