Common\Core\Model::startProcessingHooks PHP Méthode

startProcessingHooks() public static méthode

Start processing the hooks
Deprecation: use the symfony event dispatcher instead
public static startProcessingHooks ( )
    public static function startProcessingHooks()
        $filesystem = new Filesystem();
        // is the queue already running?
        if ($filesystem->exists(self::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir') . '/Hooks/pid')) {
            // get the pid
            $pid = trim(file_get_contents(self::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir') . '/Hooks/pid'));
            // running on windows?
            if (mb_strtolower(mb_substr(php_uname('s'), 0, 3)) == 'win') {
                // get output
                $output = @shell_exec('tasklist.exe /FO LIST /FI "PID eq ' . $pid . '"');
                // validate output
                if ($output == '' || $output === false) {
                    // delete the pid file
                    $filesystem->remove(self::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir') . '/Hooks/pid');
                } else {
                    // already running
                    return true;
            } elseif (mb_strtolower(mb_substr(php_uname('s'), 0, 6)) == 'darwin') {
                // darwin == Mac
                // get output
                $output = @posix_getsid($pid);
                // validate output
                if ($output === false) {
                    // delete the pid file
                    $filesystem->remove(self::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir') . '/Hooks/pid');
                } else {
                    // already running
                    return true;
            } else {
                // UNIX
                // check if the process is still running, by checking the proc folder
                if (!$filesystem->exists('/proc/' . $pid)) {
                    // delete the pid file
                    $filesystem->remove(self::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir') . '/Hooks/pid');
                } else {
                    // already running
                    return true;
        // init var
        $parts = parse_url(SITE_URL);
        $errNo = '';
        $errStr = '';
        $defaultPort = 80;
        if ($parts['scheme'] == 'https') {
            $defaultPort = 443;
        // open the socket
        $socket = fsockopen($parts['host'], isset($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : $defaultPort, $errNo, $errStr, 1);
        // build the request
        $request = 'GET /backend/cronjob?module=Core&action=ProcessQueuedHooks HTTP/1.1' . "\r\n";
        $request .= 'Host: ' . $parts['host'] . "\r\n";
        $request .= 'Content-Length: 0' . "\r\n\r\n";
        $request .= 'Connection: Close' . "\r\n\r\n";
        // send the request
        fwrite($socket, $request);
        // close the socket
        // return
        return true;