Latte\Runtime\Filters::escapeXml PHP Méthode

escapeXml() public static méthode

Escapes string for use inside XML 1.0 template.
public static escapeXml ( $s ) : string
Résultat string XML
    public static function escapeXml($s)
        // XML 1.0: \x09 \x0A \x0D and C1 allowed directly, C0 forbidden
        // XML 1.1: \x00 forbidden directly and as a character reference,
        //   \x09 \x0A \x0D \x85 allowed directly, C0, C1 and \x7F allowed as character references
        return htmlSpecialChars(preg_replace('#[\\x00-\\x08\\x0B\\x0C\\x0E-\\x1F]+#', '', $s), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');