PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer::mb_pathinfo PHP Méthode

mb_pathinfo() public static méthode

Drop-in replacement for pathinfo(), but multibyte- and cross-platform-safe
public static mb_pathinfo ( string $path, integer | string $options = null ) : string | array
$path string A filename or path, does not need to exist as a file
$options integer | string Either a PATHINFO_* constant, or a string name to return only the specified piece
Résultat string | array
    public static function mb_pathinfo($path, $options = null)
        $ret = ['dirname' => '', 'basename' => '', 'extension' => '', 'filename' => ''];
        $pathinfo = [];
        if (preg_match('%^(.*?)[\\\\/]*(([^/\\\\]*?)(\\.([^\\.\\\\/]+?)|))[\\\\/\\.]*$%im', $path, $pathinfo)) {
            if (array_key_exists(1, $pathinfo)) {
                $ret['dirname'] = $pathinfo[1];
            if (array_key_exists(2, $pathinfo)) {
                $ret['basename'] = $pathinfo[2];
            if (array_key_exists(5, $pathinfo)) {
                $ret['extension'] = $pathinfo[5];
            if (array_key_exists(3, $pathinfo)) {
                $ret['filename'] = $pathinfo[3];
        switch ($options) {
            case PATHINFO_DIRNAME:
            case 'dirname':
                return $ret['dirname'];
            case PATHINFO_BASENAME:
            case 'basename':
                return $ret['basename'];
            case PATHINFO_EXTENSION:
            case 'extension':
                return $ret['extension'];
            case PATHINFO_FILENAME:
            case 'filename':
                return $ret['filename'];
                return $ret;