SAML2\AuthnRequest::addSubject PHP Méthode

addSubject() private méthode

Add a Subject-node to the assertion.
private addSubject ( DOMElement $root )
$root DOMElement The assertion element we should add the subject to.
    private function addSubject(\DOMElement $root)
        // If there is no nameId (encrypted or not) there is nothing to create a subject for
        if ($this->nameId === null && $this->encryptedNameId === null) {
        $subject = $root->ownerDocument->createElementNS(Constants::NS_SAML, 'saml:Subject');
        if ($this->encryptedNameId === null) {
            Utils::addNameId($subject, $this->nameId);
        } else {
            $eid = $subject->ownerDocument->createElementNS(Constants::NS_SAML, 'saml:EncryptedID');
            $eid->appendChild($subject->ownerDocument->importNode($this->encryptedNameId, true));
        foreach ($this->subjectConfirmation as $sc) {