Scalr\Tests\Scripting\GlobalVariablesTest::providerLoad PHP Méthode

providerLoad() public méthode

Data provider for the testGlobalVariablesFunctional
public providerLoad ( ) : array
Résultat array
    public function providerLoad()
        $cases = [];
        // TODO: tests for FARM, ROLE, FARMROLE scopes
         * TEST 1 (simple variable):
         *  - variable is not existed
         *  - add variable
         *  - check variable in scalr and account scope
         *  - list variable
         *  - update variable in account scope
         *  - check variable in scalr and account scope
         *  - delete variable in scalr scope
         *  - check variable in scalr and account scope
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var')], false];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'value' => '123'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'current' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'value' => '123', 'flagFinal' => '0', 'flagRequired' => '', 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '', 'description' => '', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'category' => ''], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'category' => ''], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'default' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'value' => '123', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'category' => ''], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'list', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'value' => '123', 'private' => 0], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'value' => '234'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'current' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'value' => '123', 'flagFinal' => '0', 'flagRequired' => '', 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '', 'description' => '', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'category' => ''], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'category' => ''], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'current' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'value' => '234', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'category' => '', 'flagFinal' => '0', 'flagRequired' => '', 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '', 'description' => ''], 'default' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'value' => '123', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT], 'category' => ''], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'flagDelete' => 1], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var')], false];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'current' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('scalr_var'), 'value' => '234', 'flagFinal' => '0', 'flagRequired' => '', 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '', 'description' => '', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'category' => ''], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT], 'category' => ''], true];
         * TEST 2 (required in account scope variable with category):
         *  - add variable
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var'), 'value' => '', 'flagFinal' => '0', 'flagRequired' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'category' => 'category_one-test'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var'), 'value' => ''], [$this->getVarTestName('required_var') => ['value' => [sprintf("%s is required variable", $this->getVarTestName('required_var'))]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var'), 'value' => '0'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var'), 'current' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var'), 'value' => '0', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'category' => '', 'flagFinal' => '0', 'flagRequired' => '', 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '', 'description' => ''], 'locked' => ['value' => '', 'flagFinal' => '0', 'flagRequired' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '', 'description' => '', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'category' => 'category_one-test'], 'default' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var'), 'value' => '', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT], 'category' => 'category_one-test'], true];
         * TEST 3 (check validation)
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'value' => '', 'flagFinal' => '0', 'flagRequired' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '/^[12]$/', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'category' => 'category_one-test'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'current' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'value' => '', 'flagFinal' => '0', 'flagRequired' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '/^[12]$/', 'description' => '', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'category' => 'category_one-test'], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'category' => 'category_one-test'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'value' => '3', 'validator' => '/^[12]$/'], [$this->getVarTestName('required_var_2') => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_1]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'value' => '0'], [$this->getVarTestName('required_var_2') => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_1]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'value' => '1'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'value' => '2', 'flagFinal' => '1'], [$this->getVarTestName('required_var_2') => ['flagFinal' => ["You can't redefine advanced settings (flags, format, validator, category)"]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'value' => '2', 'flagHidden' => '1'], [$this->getVarTestName('required_var_2') => ['flagHidden' => ["You can't redefine advanced settings (flags, format, validator, category)"]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'value' => '2', 'format' => '%d'], [$this->getVarTestName('required_var_2') => ['format' => ["You can't redefine advanced settings (flags, format, validator, category)"]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'), 'value' => '2', 'validator' => '[0-9]'], [$this->getVarTestName('required_var_2') => ['validator' => ["You can't redefine advanced settings (flags, format, validator, category)"]]]];
        // check to case sensitivity
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('REQUIRED_var_2'), 'value' => ''], [$this->getVarTestName('REQUIRED_var_2') => ['name' => [sprintf("Name has been already defined as \"%s\"", $this->getVarTestName('required_var_2'))]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => 'Invalid-name', 'value' => ''], ['Invalid-name' => ['name' => [self::ERR_NAME_SHOULD_CONTAIN]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => '1name', 'value' => ''], ['1name' => ['name' => [self::ERR_NAME_SHOULD_CONTAIN]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => 'a', 'value' => ''], ['a' => ['name' => [self::ERR_NAME_SHOULD_CONTAIN]]]];
        $longName = 'abcdefghikl1abcdefghik21abcdefghik31abcdefghik41abcdefghik51abcdefghik61abcdefghik71abcdefghik81abcdefghik91abcdefghik1abcdefghia';
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $longName, 'value' => ''], [$longName => ['name' => [self::ERR_NAME_SHOULD_CONTAIN]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'category' => ''], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['category' => [self::ERR_CATEGORY_SHOULD_CONTAIN]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'category' => 'scalr_ui_defaults'], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['category' => [self::ERR_PREFIX_SCALR_IS_RESERVED]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'category' => 'scalr_1'], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['category' => [self::ERR_PREFIX_SCALR_IS_RESERVED]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => 'scalr_test', 'value' => ''], ['scalr_test' => ['name' => [self::ERR_PREFIX_SCALR_IS_RESERVED]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'flagFinal' => '1', 'flagRequired' => 'environment'], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['flagFinal' => [self::ERR_YOU_CANT_SET_FINAL_AND_REQUIRED_FLAG_BOTH], 'flagRequired' => [self::ERR_YOU_CANT_SET_FINAL_AND_REQUIRED_FLAG_BOTH]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'validator' => "/test null" . chr(0) . "byte/"], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['validator' => ["Validation pattern is not valid (NULL byte)"]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'validator' => "^[0-9]\$"], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['validator' => [self::ERR_PATTERN_IS_NOT_VALID_INVALID_STRUCTURE]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'validator' => "/^[0-9]\$/es"], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['validator' => [self::ERR_PATTERN_IS_NOT_VALID_INVALID_STRUCTURE]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'validator' => "/^//test\$/i"], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['validator' => ["Validation pattern is not valid: Unknown modifier '/'"]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '1', 'validator' => "/^[23]\$/is"], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_1]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '0', 'validator' => "/^[23]\$/is"], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_1]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'format' => 'd'], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['format' => ["Format isn't valid"]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => '', 'format' => '%d%f'], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['format' => ["Format isn't valid"]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('name'), 'value' => "test null" . chr(0) . "byte"], [$this->getVarTestName('name') => ['value' => [sprintf("Variable %s contains invalid non-printable characters (e.g. NULL characters).\n                You might have copied it from another application that submitted invalid characters.\n                To solve this issue, you can type in the variable manually.", $this->getVarTestName('name'))]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable'), 'value' => '{"name": "user", "age": 25}', 'format' => self::FORMAT_JSON], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable'), 'value' => '{name: "user", age: 25}', 'format' => self::FORMAT_JSON], [$this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable') => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_JSON]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable'), 'value' => '{\'name\': "user", \'age\': 25}', 'format' => self::FORMAT_JSON], [$this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable') => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_JSON]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable'), 'value' => '{"name": user, "age": 25}', 'format' => self::FORMAT_JSON], [$this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable') => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_JSON]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable'), 'value' => '{"name": "user"}'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable'), 'value' => '{"name": "user", "age": 25}', 'format' => self::FORMAT_JSON], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable'), 'value' => '{name: "user"}'], [$this->getVarTestName('testJsonVariable') => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_JSON]]]];
         * TEST 4 (final variable)
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('final_var'), 'value' => '5', 'flagFinal' => '1', 'flagRequired' => '', 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'category' => ''], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('final_var'), 'current' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('final_var'), 'value' => '5', 'flagFinal' => '1', 'flagRequired' => '', 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '', 'description' => '', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'category' => ''], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'category' => ''], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('final_var'), 'value' => '0'], [$this->getVarTestName('final_var') => ['value' => [self::ERR_YOU_CANT_CHANGE_FINAL_VARIABLE]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('final_var'), 'value' => '1'], [$this->getVarTestName('final_var') => ['value' => [self::ERR_YOU_CANT_CHANGE_FINAL_VARIABLE]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_FARM, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('final_var'), 'value' => '2'], [$this->getVarTestName('final_var') => ['value' => [self::ERR_YOU_CANT_CHANGE_FINAL_VARIABLE]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR, 'set', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('final_var'), 'value' => '6'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'get', ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('final_var'), 'default' => ['name' => $this->getVarTestName('final_var'), 'value' => '6', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_SCALR], 'category' => ''], true];
         * TEST 5 (ui config vars)
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_FARM, 'set', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '1'], ['SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE' => ['name' => [self::ERR_PREFIX_SCALR_IS_RESERVED]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '1'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'list', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '1'], false];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'getuidefaults', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '1'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => 'a'], ['SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE' => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_1]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'set', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => 'a'], ['SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE' => ['value' => [self::ERR_VALUE_ISNT_VALID_1]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_FARM, 'set', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '1'], ['SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE' => ['name' => [self::ERR_PREFIX_SCALR_IS_RESERVED]]]];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'set', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '0'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'getuidefaults', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '0'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'set', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => ''], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'getuidefaults', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '1'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'set', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '1', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'flagFinal' => '1'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'get', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'current' => ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '1', 'flagFinal' => '1', 'flagRequired' => '', 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '/^[01]$/', 'description' => 'Reuse block storage device if an instance is replaced.', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'category' => 'scalr_ui_defaults'], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT], 'category' => 'scalr_ui_defaults'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'get', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'default' => ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '1', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT], 'locked' => ['value' => '1', 'flagFinal' => '1', 'flagRequired' => '', 'flagHidden' => '0', 'format' => '', 'validator' => '/^[01]$/', 'description' => 'Reuse block storage device if an instance is replaced.', 'scope' => ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT, 'category' => 'scalr_ui_defaults'], 'scopes' => [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ACCOUNT], 'category' => 'scalr_ui_defaults'], true];
        $cases[] = [ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT, 'set', ['name' => 'SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE', 'value' => '0'], ['SCALR_UI_DEFAULT_STORAGE_RE_USE' => ['value' => [self::ERR_YOU_CANT_CHANGE_FINAL_VARIABLE_ACC_LEVEL]]]];
        return $cases;