Scalr\Upgrade\Updates\Update20160301153358::run1 PHP Méthode

run1() protected méthode

protected run1 ( $stage )
    protected function run1($stage)
        $platform = SERVER_PLATFORMS::EC2;
        $platformModule = PlatformFactory::NewPlatform($platform);
        /* @var $platformModule Ec2PlatformModule*/
        $instanceTypes = $platformModule->getInstanceTypes(null, null, true);
        $result = $this->db->Execute("\n            SELECT s.server_id, s.`type`, sp.`value` AS vcpus\n            FROM servers AS s\n            LEFT JOIN server_properties sp ON sp.`server_id`= s.`server_id` AND sp.`name` = ?\n            WHERE s.`status` NOT IN (?, ?)\n            AND s.`type` IS NOT NULL\n            AND s.`platform` = ?\n        ", [Server::INFO_INSTANCE_VCPUS, Server::STATUS_PENDING_TERMINATE, Server::STATUS_TERMINATED, $platform]);
        while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
            if (!empty($row["type"]) && empty($row['vcpus'])) {
                if (isset($instanceTypes[$row['type']]['vcpus']) && $instanceTypes[$row['type']]['vcpus'] > 0) {
                    $this->db->Execute("\n                        INSERT INTO server_properties (`server_id`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)\n                        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = ?\n                    ", [$row["server_id"], Server::INFO_INSTANCE_VCPUS, $instanceTypes[$row['type']]['vcpus'], $instanceTypes[$row['type']]['vcpus']]);