Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getBaseUrl PHP Méthode

getBaseUrl() public méthode

The base URL never ends with a /. This is similar to getBasePath(), except that it also includes the script filename (e.g. index.php) if one exists.
public getBaseUrl ( ) : string
Résultat string The raw URL (i.e. not urldecoded)
    public function getBaseUrl()
        if (null === $this->baseUrl) {
            $this->baseUrl = $this->prepareBaseUrl();

        return $this->baseUrl;

Usage Example

  * @param CanonicalUrlEvent $event
 public function generateUrlCanonical(CanonicalUrlEvent $event)
     if ($event->getUrl() !== null) {
     $parseUrlByCurrentLocale = $this->getParsedUrlByCurrentLocale();
     if (empty($parseUrlByCurrentLocale['host'])) {
     // Be sure to use the proper domain name
     $canonicalUrl = $parseUrlByCurrentLocale['scheme'] . '://' . $parseUrlByCurrentLocale['host'];
     // preserving a potential subdirectory, e.g.
     $canonicalUrl .= $this->request->getBaseUrl();
     // Remove script name from path, e.g.
     $canonicalUrl = preg_replace("!/index(_dev)?\\.php!", '', $canonicalUrl);
     $path = $this->request->getPathInfo();
     if (!empty($path) && $path != "/") {
         $canonicalUrl .= $path;
         $canonicalUrl = rtrim($canonicalUrl, '/');
     } else {
         $queryString = $this->request->getQueryString();
         if (!empty($queryString)) {
             $canonicalUrl .= '/?' . $queryString;
All Usage Examples Of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getBaseUrl