Symfony\Installer\DemoCommand::displayInstallationResult PHP Méthode

displayInstallationResult() private méthode

It displays the message with the result of installing the Symfony Demo application and provides some pointers to the user.
    private function displayInstallationResult()
        if (empty($this->requirementsErrors)) {
            $this->output->writeln(sprintf(" <info>%s</info>  Symfony Demo Application was <info>successfully installed</info>. Now you can:\n", defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') ? 'OK' : '✔'));
        } else {
            $this->output->writeln(sprintf(" <comment>%s</comment>  Symfony Demo Application was <info>successfully installed</info> but your system doesn't meet the\n" . "     technical requirements to run Symfony applications! Fix the following issues before executing it:\n", defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') ? 'FAILED' : '✕'));
            foreach ($this->requirementsErrors as $helpText) {
                $this->output->writeln(' * ' . $helpText);
            $this->output->writeln(sprintf(" After fixing these issues, re-check Symfony requirements executing this command:\n\n" . "   <comment>php %s/bin/symfony_requirements</comment>\n\n" . " Then, you can:\n", $this->projectName));
        $serverRunCommand = extension_loaded('pcntl') ? 'server:start' : 'server:run';
        $this->output->writeln(sprintf("    1. Change your current directory to <comment>%s</comment>\n\n" . "    2. Execute the <comment>php bin/console %s</comment> command to run the demo application.\n\n" . "    3. Browse to the <comment>http://localhost:8000</comment> URL to see the demo application in action.\n\n", $this->projectDir, $serverRunCommand));
        return $this;