Html::redefineConfirm PHP Method

redefineConfirm() static public method

This dialog is normally asynchronous and can't return a boolean like naive window.confirm. We manage this behavior with a global variable 'confirmed' who watchs the acceptation of dialog. In this case, we trigger a new click on element to return the value (and without display dialog)
static public redefineConfirm ( )
    static function redefineConfirm()
        echo self::scriptBlock("\n      var confirmed = false;\n      var lastClickedElement;\n\n      // store last clicked element on dom\n      \$(document).click(function(event) {\n          lastClickedElement = \$(;\n      });\n\n      // asynchronous confirm dialog with jquery ui\n      var newConfirm = function(message, caption) {\n         message = message.replace('\\n', '<br>');\n         caption = caption || '';\n\n         \$('<div>').html(message).dialog({\n            title: caption,\n            dialogClass: 'fixed',\n            buttons: {\n               '" . _sx('button', 'Confirm') . "': function () {\n                  \$(this).dialog('close');\n                  confirmed = true;\n\n                  //trigger click on the same element (to return true value)\n        ;\n\n                  // re-init confirmed (to permit usage of 'confirm' function again in the page)\n                  // maybe timeout is not essential ...\n                  setTimeout(function(){  confirmed = false; }, 100);\n               },\n               '" . _sx('button', 'Cancel') . "': function () {\n                  \$(this).dialog('close');\n                  confirmed = false;\n               }\n            },\n            close: function () {\n                \$(this).remove();\n            },\n            draggable: true,\n            modal: true,\n            resizable: false,\n            width: 'auto'\n         });\n      };\n\n      window.nativeConfirm = window.confirm;\n\n      // redefine native 'confirm' function\n      window.confirm = function (message, caption) {\n         // if watched var isn't true, we can display dialog\n         if(!confirmed) {\n            // call asynchronous dialog\n            newConfirm(message, caption);\n         }\n\n         // return early\n         return confirmed;\n      };");