eZ\Bundle\EzPublishMigrationBundle\Command\LegacyStorage\RegenerateUrlAliasesCommand::configure PHP Method

configure() protected method

protected configure ( )
    protected function configure()
        $this->setName('ezplatform:regenerate:legacy_storage_url_aliases')->setDescription('Regenerates Location URL aliases (autogenerated) and migrates custom Location ' . 'and global URL aliases with Legacy Storage Engine')->addArgument('action', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Action to perform, one of: full, autogenerate, backup-custom, restore-custom, backup-global, restore-global')->addArgument('bulk-count', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Number of items (Locations, URL aliases) processed at once', 50)->setHelp(<<<EOT
The command <info>%command.name%</info> regenerates URL aliases for Locations
and migrates existing custom Location and global URL aliases to a separate database table. Separate
table must be named '__migration_ezurlalias_ml' and should be created manually to be identical (but
empty) as the existing table 'ezurlalias_ml' before the command is executed.

After the script finishes, to complete migration the table should be renamed to 'ezurlalias_ml'

Using available options for 'action' argument, you can backup custom Location and global URL aliases
separately and inspect them before restoring them to the migration table. They will be stored in
backup tables named '__migration_backup_custom_alias' and '__migration_backup_global_alias' (created

It is also possible to skip custom Location and global URL aliases altogether and regenerate only
automatically created URL aliases for Locations (use 'autogenerate' action to achieve this).

<error>During the script execution the database should not be modified.</error>

Since this script can potentially run for a very long time, to avoid memory exhaustion run it in
production environment using <info>--env=prod</info> switch.
