AppController::beforeFilter PHP Method

beforeFilter() public method

public beforeFilter ( )
    public function beforeFilter()
        $this->Security->validatePost = false;
        $this->Security->csrfCheck = false;
        $this->Security->csrfUseOnce = false;
        /***Image cropping not require to enter function***/
        if ($this->action == 'image_thumb') {
        Configure::write('default_action', 'dashboard');
        foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
            $_GET[$key] = strip_tags($value);
        //DEFAULT_PAGE cookie will only work only if Configure::read('default_action') is mydashboard
        if (Configure::read('default_action') == 'mydashboard' && isset($_COOKIE['DEFAULT_PAGE']) && in_array($_COOKIE['DEFAULT_PAGE'], array('dashboard', 'mydashboard'))) {
            Configure::write('default_page', $_COOKIE['DEFAULT_PAGE']);
        } else {
            Configure::write('default_page', Configure::read('default_action'));
        if (!defined('IS_ERRROR')) {
            if ($this->name == 'CakeError') {
                define('IS_ERRROR', 1);
            } else {
                define('IS_ERRROR', 0);
        if ($this->params['controller'] == 'easycases' && $this->params['action'] == 'dashboard' && isset($this->params->query['case'])) {
            $this->set('caseForRecent', $this->params->query['case']);
        } else {
            $this->set('caseForRecent', '');
        if (!defined('CONTROLLER')) {
            define('CONTROLLER', $this->params['controller']);
        if (!defined('PAGE_NAME')) {
            define('PAGE_NAME', $this->action);
        if (!defined('STATIC_PAGE')) {
            if (isset($this->params['pass']['0'])) {
                define('STATIC_PAGE', $this->params['pass']['0']);
            } else {
                define('STATIC_PAGE', "login");
        $pagesName = "";
        if (isset($this->params['pass']['0'])) {
            $pagesName = $this->params['pass']['0'];
        $ajaxPageArray = array('project_menu', 'remember_filters', 'case_project', 'session_maintain', 'add_user', 'add_project', 'case_details', 'archive_case', 'archive_file', 'ajaxpostcase', 'check_email_reg', 'check_short_name_reg', 'check_url_reg', 'update_notification', 'feedback', 'check_short_name', 'new_user', 'notification', 'caseview_remove', 'project_all', 'jquery_multi_autocomplete_data', 'search_project_menu', 'project_listing', 'assign_prj', 'contactnow', 'ajax_totalcase', 'case_list', 'file_list', 'move_list', 'case_remove', 'move_file', 'file_remove', 'comment_edit', 'comment', 'fileremove', 'fileupload', 'case_update', 'case_files', 'case_project', 'case_reply', 'case_quick', 'case_message', 'update_assignto', 'exportcase', 'assign_userall', 'image_thumb', 'to_dos', 'recent_projects', 'recent_activities', 'recent_milestones', 'statistics', 'usage_details', 'task_progress', 'leader_board', 'post_support_inner');
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
            $this->set('referer', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
        $curProjId = "";
        $projUniq = "";
        $Company = ClassRegistry::init('Company');
        $CompanyUser = ClassRegistry::init('CompanyUser');
        if (isset($_COOKIE['USER_UNIQ']) && isset($_COOKIE['USERTYP']) && isset($_COOKIE['USERTZ'])) {
            setcookie('USER_UNIQ', $_COOKIE['USER_UNIQ'], COOKIE_TIME, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            setcookie('USERTYP', $_COOKIE['USERTYP'], COOKIE_TIME, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            setcookie('USERTZ', $_COOKIE['USERTZ'], COOKIE_TIME, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            setcookie('USERSUB_TYPE', $_COOKIE['USERSUB_TYPE'], COOKIE_TIME, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            $uid = NULL;
            //var for user id, which will be retrieve form user unique id
            if ($this->Auth->user('id') && 0) {
                $uid = $this->Auth->user('id');
            } else {
                $User = ClassRegistry::init('User');
                $User->unbindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Project')));
                $userLogRec = $User->find('first', array('conditions' => array('User.uniq_id' => $_COOKIE['USER_UNIQ']), 'fields' => ''));
                if ($userLogRec && count($userLogRec)) {
                    $uid = $userLogRec['User']['id'];
            if (!$uid) {
                setcookie('USER_UNIQ', '', -1, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
                $this->redirect(HTTP_ROOT . "users/logout");
            $this->Session->write('', $uid);
            $this->Session->write('Auth.User.uniq_id', $_COOKIE['USER_UNIQ']);
            $this->Session->write('Auth.User.istype', $_COOKIE['USERTYP']);
            $this->Session->write('Auth.User.timezone_id', $_COOKIE['USERTZ']);
            $this->Session->write('Auth.User.usersub_type', $_COOKIE['USERSUB_TYPE']);
            $this->Session->write('Auth.User.is_moderator', $_COOKIE['IS_MODERATOR']);
        } else {
            if (!$this->isiPad()) {
                $this->Session->write('', '');
        if ($this->Auth->User("id")) {
            if ($this->isiPad()) {
                setcookie('USER_UNIQ', $this->Auth->user('uniq_id'), $cookieTime, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
                setcookie('USERTYP', $this->Auth->user('istype'), $cookieTime, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
                setcookie('USERTZ', $this->Auth->user('timezone_id'), $cookieTime, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
                setcookie('USERSUB_TYPE', $this->Auth->user('usersub_type'), $cookieTime, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            /* below code is for CSRF issue fixing: */
            if (!isset($_SESSION['CSRFTOKEN'])) {
                $tokn = $this->Format->genRandomStringCustom(25);
                $_SESSION['CSRFTOKEN'] = $tokn;
            /* end */
            /* below code is for log out users if password reset start: */
            $t_uid = $this->Auth->User('id');
            if (!$_COOKIE['user_uniq_agent']) {
            $existing_ses = $this->OsSessionLog->getUserDetls($t_uid);
            if ($existing_ses) {
                $t_sql = 'SELECT password FROM users WHERE id=' . $t_uid . ' limit 1';
                $rec_user_login = $this->User->query($t_sql);
                if ($rec_user_login[0]['users']['password'] != $existing_ses['OsSessionLog']['user_agent'][$_COOKIE['user_uniq_agent']]) {
            /* end */
            if (!stristr(PAGE_NAME, "ajax_") && !in_array(PAGE_NAME, $ajaxPageArray) || PAGE_NAME == 'categorytab' || PAGE_NAME == 'ajax_savecategorytab') {
                $User = ClassRegistry::init('User');
                $User->unbindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Project')));
                $userDeskNotify = $User->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $this->Auth->User("id")), 'fields' => array('User.desk_notify', 'active_dashboard_tab', 'name')));
                $desk_notify = (int) $userDeskNotify['User']['desk_notify'];
                define('DESK_NOTIFY', $desk_notify);
                if (!defined('ACT_TAB_ID')) {
                    define('ACT_TAB_ID', $userDeskNotify['User']['active_dashboard_tab']);
                if (!defined('USERNAME')) {
                    define('USERNAME', $userDeskNotify['User']['name']);
            $uid = $this->Auth->User("id");
            define('TOT_COMPANY', 1);
            define('USER_TYPE', $this->Auth->user('istype'));
            define('IS_MODERATOR', $this->Auth->user('is_moderator'));
            $this->set('success', $this->Session->read("SUCCESS"));
            $this->set('error', $this->Session->read("ERROR"));
            $this->Session->write("SUCCESS", "");
            $this->Session->write("ERROR", "");
            $this->layout = 'default_inner';
            //Global Variable and cookie set
            if (!defined('FIRST_LOGIN')) {
                define('FIRST_LOGIN', @$_COOKIE['FIRST_LOGIN']);
                if (@$_COOKIE['FIRST_LOGIN']) {
                    setcookie('FIRST_LOGIN', '', -1, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            if (!defined('INVITE_USER')) {
                define('INVITE_USER', @$_COOKIE['INVITE_USER']);
                if (@$_COOKIE['INVITE_USER']) {
                    setcookie('INVITE_USER', '', -1, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            if (!defined('CREATE_CASE')) {
                define('CREATE_CASE', @$_COOKIE['CREATE_CASE']);
                if (@$_COOKIE['CREATE_CASE']) {
                    setcookie('CREATE_CASE', '', -1, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            if (!defined('ASSIGN_USER')) {
                define('ASSIGN_USER', @$_COOKIE['ASSIGN_USER']);
                if (@$_COOKIE['ASSIGN_USER']) {
                    setcookie('ASSIGN_USER', '', -1, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            if (!defined('PROJ_NAME')) {
                define('PROJ_NAME', @$_COOKIE['PROJ_NAME']);
                if (@$_COOKIE['PROJ_NAME']) {
                    setcookie('PROJ_NAME', '', -1, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            if (!defined('SES_ID')) {
                define('SES_ID', $this->Auth->User("id"));
            if (!defined('SES_TIMEZONE')) {
                define('SES_TIMEZONE', $this->Auth->User("timezone_id"));
            $sesType = "";
            $sesComp = "";
            if (!stristr(PAGE_NAME, "ajax_") && !in_array(PAGE_NAME, $ajaxPageArray) || !@$_COOKIE['SES_COMP']) {
                $getAppComp = $Company->query("SELECT CompanyUser.user_type,CompanyUser.company_id,Company.logo,,,Company.is_active,Company.is_deactivated,Company.created,Company.uniq_id,Company.twitted  FROM company_users AS CompanyUser,companies AS Company WHERE AND CompanyUser.user_id='" . SES_ID . "'");
                if (!defined('CMP_LOGO')) {
                    define('CMP_LOGO', @$getAppComp['0']['Company']['logo']);
                if (!defined('ACCOUNT_STATUS')) {
                    define('ACCOUNT_STATUS', @$getAppComp['0']['Company']['is_active']);
                if (!defined('IS_DEACTIVATED')) {
                    define('IS_DEACTIVATED', @$getAppComp['0']['Company']['is_deactivated']);
                if (!defined('CMP_SITE')) {
                    define('CMP_SITE', @$getAppComp['0']['Company']['name']);
                if (!defined('CMP_CREATED')) {
                    define('CMP_CREATED', @$getAppComp['0']['Company']['created']);
                if (!defined('COMP_UID')) {
                    define('COMP_UID', @$getAppComp['0']['Company']['uniq_id']);
                if (!defined('TWITTED')) {
                    define('TWITTED', @$getAppComp['0']['Company']['twitted']);
                $sesType = @$getAppComp['0']['CompanyUser']['user_type'];
                $sesComp = @$getAppComp['0']['CompanyUser']['company_id'];
                setcookie("SES_TYPE", $sesType, COOKIE_TIME, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
                setcookie("SES_COMP", $sesComp, COOKIE_TIME, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
                setcookie("CMP_CREATED", @$getAppComp['0']['Company']['created'], COOKIE_TIME, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
                setcookie("COMP_UID", @$getAppComp['0']['Company']['uniq_id'], COOKIE_TIME, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
                if (!defined('SES_TYPE')) {
                    define('SES_TYPE', $sesType);
                if (!defined('SES_COMP')) {
                    define('SES_COMP', $sesComp);
            } else {
                if (!defined('SES_TYPE')) {
                    define('SES_TYPE', $_COOKIE['SES_TYPE']);
                if (!defined('SES_COMP')) {
                    define('SES_COMP', $_COOKIE['SES_COMP']);
                if (!defined('CMP_CREATED')) {
                    define('CMP_CREATED', $_COOKIE['CMP_CREATED']);
                if (!defined('COMP_UID')) {
                    define('COMP_UID', $_COOKIE['COMP_UID']);
                if (!defined('CMP_LOGO')) {
                    define('CMP_LOGO', '');
                if (!defined('CMP_SITE')) {
                    define('CMP_SITE', '');
            if (PAGE_NAME == 'download' && CONTROLLER == 'easycases') {
                $this->redirect(HTTP_ROOT . "easycases/downloadfiles/" . @$this->request->params['pass'][0]);
            ##### Set Timezone Variables
            if (PAGE_NAME != 'image_thumb' && PAGE_NAME != 'project_menu' && PAGE_NAME != 'search_project_menu' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_case_menu' && !in_array(PAGE_NAME, array('recent_projects', 'recent_milestones', 'statistics', 'usage_details', 'task_progress', 'leader_board'))) {
                $timezn = $this->Timezone->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => SES_TIMEZONE), 'fields' => array('Timezone.gmt_offset', 'Timezone.dst_offset', 'Timezone.code')));
                if (!defined('TZ_GMT')) {
                    define('TZ_GMT', $timezn['Timezone']['gmt_offset']);
                if (!defined('TZ_DST')) {
                    define('TZ_DST', $timezn['Timezone']['dst_offset']);
                if (!defined('TZ_CODE')) {
                    define('TZ_CODE', $timezn['Timezone']['code']);
            ##### Set Privilege for User Access
            if (SES_TYPE == 3) {
                if (CONTROLLER == "users" && PAGE_NAME == "manage" || CONTROLLER == "users" && PAGE_NAME == "add_new" || CONTROLLER == "users" && PAGE_NAME == "add_template" || CONTROLLER == "users" && PAGE_NAME == "manage_template") {
                    $this->redirect(HTTP_ROOT . Configure::read('default_page'));
            if (PAGE_NAME == "dashboard") {
                if (isset($_GET['case']) && !isset($_GET['project'])) {
                    $this->redirect(HTTP_ROOT . "dashboard");
                } elseif (isset($_GET['case']) && isset($_GET['project'])) {
                    $caseUniq = urldecode($_GET['case']);
                    $countActCase = $this->Easycase->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Easycase.uniq_id' => $caseUniq, 'Easycase.isactive' => 1), 'fields' => ''));
                    if (!$countActCase) {
                        $this->redirect(HTTP_ROOT . "dashboard");
            ##### Get projects for Quick case switch case
            if (!stristr(PAGE_NAME, "ajax_") && !in_array(PAGE_NAME, $ajaxPageArray)) {
                $this->ProjectUser->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('User')));
                $getallproj = $this->ProjectUser->query("SELECT DISTINCT,Project.uniq_id,,Project.default_assign FROM project_users AS ProjectUser,projects AS Project WHERE ProjectUser.project_id AND ProjectUser.user_id=" . SES_ID . " AND Project.isactive='1' AND Project.company_id='" . SES_COMP . "' ORDER BY ProjectUser.dt_visited DESC");
                $this->set('getallproj', $getallproj);
                $GLOBALS['getallproj'] = $getallproj;
                //Get owners and admins for Create New project pop
                $projOwnAdmin = $this->User->getProjectOwnAdmin();
                $GLOBALS['projOwnAdmin'] = $projOwnAdmin;
            if (CONTROLLER == 'archives' && PAGE_NAME == 'listall') {
                if (!defined('PARAM_ARC')) {
                    define('PARAM_ARC', $this->params['pass']['0']);
                $this->ProjectUser->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('User')));
                if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'caselist')) {
                    $projAll1 = $this->ProjectUser->query("select distinct,,Project.uniq_id, (select count(distinct id) from easycases where and istype='1' and isactive='0' and user_id=" . SES_ID . ") as count FROM projects as Project,project_users as ProjectUser where and  ProjectUser.user_id=" . SES_ID . " and Project.isactive = 1 and Project.company_id = '" . SES_COMP . "' order by ProjectUser.dt_visited DESC");
                } else {
                    if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'filelist')) {
                        $projAll1 = $this->ProjectUser->query("select distinct,,Project.uniq_id, (SELECT COUNT( as count FROM easycases as Easycase,case_files as CaseFile WHERE AND Easycase.isactive=1 AND CaseFile.isactive =0 AND Easycase.user_id=" . SES_ID . " AND Easycase.project_id = as count FROM projects as Project,project_users as ProjectUser where and  ProjectUser.user_id=" . SES_ID . " and Project.isactive = 1 and Project.company_id ='" . SES_COMP . "' order by ProjectUser.dt_visited DESC");
                    } else {
                        if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'milestonelist')) {
                            if (SES_TYPE == 1 || SES_TYPE == 2) {
                                $projAll1 = $this->ProjectUser->query("select distinct,,Project.uniq_id, (SELECT COUNT( as count FROM milestones as Milestone WHERE Milestone.isactive=0 AND Milestone.company_id ='" . SES_COMP . "' AND Milestone.project_id = as count FROM projects as Project,project_users as ProjectUser where and  ProjectUser.user_id=" . SES_ID . " and Project.isactive = 1 and Project.company_id ='" . SES_COMP . "' order by ProjectUser.dt_visited DESC");
                            } else {
                                $projAll1 = $this->ProjectUser->query("select distinct,,Project.uniq_id, (SELECT COUNT( as count FROM milestones as Milestone WHERE Milestone.\tuser_id ='" . SES_ID . "' AND Milestone.isactive=0 AND Milestone.company_id ='" . SES_COMP . "' AND Milestone.project_id = as count FROM projects as Project,project_users as ProjectUser where and  ProjectUser.user_id=" . SES_ID . " and Project.isactive = 1 and Project.company_id ='" . SES_COMP . "' order by ProjectUser.dt_visited DESC");
                $this->set('projAll', $projAll1);
            $casePriority = array(0 => "Top", 1 => "High", 2 => "Medium", 3 => "Low", 4 => "Very Low", 5 => "Very Very Low");
            $this->set('casePriority', $casePriority);
            if (PAGE_NAME == "dashboard" || PAGE_NAME == "milestone" || PAGE_NAME == "milestonelist" || PAGE_NAME == "activity" || PAGE_NAME == "glide_chart" || PAGE_NAME == 'chart' || PAGE_NAME == 'hours_report' || PAGE_NAME == 'mydashboard') {
                $caseUrl = "";
                $urllvalue = 0;
                $urllvalueCase = 0;
                $projUniq = "";
                $projName = "";
                if (count($getallproj) == 1) {
                    $allpj = $getallproj[0]['Project']['uniq_id'];
                } else {
                    if ($_COOKIE['ALL_PROJECT']) {
                        $allpj = $_COOKIE['ALL_PROJECT'];
                    } else {
                        $allpj = "";
                if (isset($_GET['project'])) {
                    $projectUrl = trim(urldecode($_GET['project']));
                    $conditions = array('conditions' => array('ProjectUser.user_id' => SES_ID, 'Project.isactive' => 1, 'Project.uniq_id' => $projectUrl), 'fields' => array('DISTINCT Project.uniq_id', '', '', 'Project.default_assign'), 'order' => array('ProjectUser.dt_visited DESC'));
                    $prjs = $this->ProjectUser->find('first', $conditions);
                    if (is_array($prjs) && count($prjs)) {
                        $curProjId = $prjs['Project']['id'];
                        $projUniq = $prjs['Project']['uniq_id'];
                        $projName = $prjs['Project']['name'];
                        $defaultAssign = $prjs['Project']['default_assign'];
                        $urllvalue = 1;
                        if (isset($_GET['case']) && $_GET['case']) {
                            $caseUrl = trim(urldecode($_GET['case']));
                            $urllvalueCase = 1;
                    } else {
                        $this->redirect(HTTP_ROOT . Configure::read('default_page'));
                        $urllvalue = 0;
                if ($urllvalue == 0 && $allpj == "") {
                    $conditions2 = array('conditions' => array('ProjectUser.user_id' => SES_ID, 'Project.isactive' => 1, 'ProjectUser.company_id' => SES_COMP), 'fields' => array('DISTINCT Project.uniq_id', '', ''), 'order' => array('ProjectUser.dt_visited DESC'), 'limit' => 1);
                    $projects = $this->ProjectUser->query("SELECT DISTINCT Project.uniq_id,,,Project.default_assign FROM project_users AS ProjectUser,projects AS Project WHERE ProjectUser.project_id AND ProjectUser.user_id=" . SES_ID . " AND Project.isactive='1' AND Project.company_id='" . SES_COMP . "' ORDER BY ProjectUser.dt_visited DESC LIMIT 0,1");
                    if (count($projects)) {
                        $curProjId = $projects[0]['Project']['id'];
                        $projUniq = $projects[0]['Project']['uniq_id'];
                        $projName = $projects[0]['Project']['name'];
                        $defaultAssign = $projects[0]['Project']['default_assign'];
                if ($allpj == "all") {
                    $curProjId = "all";
                    if (isset($_GET['project']) && isset($projUniq)) {
                        $projUniq = $projUniq;
                        $projName = $projName;
                        $defaultAssign = $defaultAssign;
                    } else {
                        $projUniq = "all";
                        $projName = "All";
                } elseif (!isset($_GET['project'])) {
                    $curProjId = $getallproj[0]['Project']['id'];
                    $projUniq = $getallproj[0]['Project']['uniq_id'];
                    $projName = $getallproj[0]['Project']['name'];
                    $defaultAssign = $getallproj[0]['Project']['default_assign'];
                $this->set('sh_status', $this->Cookie->read('SH_STATUS'));
                $this->set('sh_member', $this->Cookie->read('SH_MEM'));
                $this->set('sh_pri', $this->Cookie->read('SH_PRI'));
                $this->set('sh_sts', $this->Cookie->read('SH_STS'));
                $this->set('sh_top', $this->Cookie->read('SH_TOP'));
                $this->set('sh_proj', $this->Cookie->read('SH_PROJ'));
                $this->set('sh_typ', $this->Cookie->read('SH_TYPE'));
                $this->set('curProjId', $curProjId);
                $this->set('projUniq', $projUniq);
                $this->set('defaultAssign', $defaultAssign);
                $this->set('projName', $projName);
                $this->set('urllvalue', $urllvalue);
                $this->set('urllvalueCase', $urllvalueCase);
                $this->set('caseUrl', $caseUrl);
            if (@$_COOKIE['SEARCH']) {
                $caseSearch = "";
            if (isset($_GET['search']) && urldecode(trim($_GET['search']))) {
                $caseSearch = urldecode(trim($_GET['search']));
                setcookie('SEARCH', $caseSearch, COOKIE_REM, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            } elseif (@$_COOKIE['SEARCH']) {
                $caseSearch = $_COOKIE['SEARCH'];
            } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['case']) && urldecode(trim($_REQUEST['case'])) && isset($_REQUEST['project']) && urldecode(trim($_REQUEST['project'])) && !isset($_GET['search']) && !isset($_COOKIE['SEARCH'])) {
                $case = urldecode(trim($_REQUEST['case']));
                $case_no = $this->Easycase->getCaseNo($case);
                $caseSearch = "#" . $case_no['Easycase']['case_no'];
                setcookie('SEARCH', $caseSearch, COOKIE_REM, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            } else {
                $caseSearch = "";
            $this->set('srch_text', $caseSearch);
            if (isset($_GET['case_no']) && urldecode(trim($_GET['case_no']))) {
                $case_num = urldecode(trim($_GET['case_no']));
                setcookie('CASESRCH', $case_num, COOKIE_REM, '/', DOMAIN_COOKIE, false, false);
            } elseif (@$_COOKIE['CASESRCH']) {
                $case_num = $_COOKIE['CASESRCH'];
            } else {
                $case_num = "";
            $this->set('case_num', $case_num);
            if (PAGE_NAME == "download") {
                $filename = substr(strrchr($_GET['url'], "/"), 1);
                if (!isset($filename) || empty($filename)) {
                    $var = "<table align='center' width='100%'><tr><td style='font:normal 14px verdana;color:#FF0000;' align='center'>Please specify a file name for download.</td></tr></table>";
                if (!file_exists(DIR_CASE_FILES . $filename)) {
                    $var = "<table align='center' width='100%'><tr><td style='font:normal 14px verdana;color:#FF0000;' align='center'>Oops! File not found.<br/> File may be deleted or make sure you specified correct file name.</td></tr></table>";
                $chkProject = 0;
                $getCaseId = $this->CaseFile->find('first', array('conditions' => array('CaseFile.file' => $filename), 'fields' => array('CaseFile.easycase_id')));
                if (isset($getCaseId['CaseFile']['easycase_id']) && $getCaseId['CaseFile']['easycase_id']) {
                    $caseid = $getCaseId['CaseFile']['easycase_id'];
                    $getProj = $this->Easycase->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $caseid, 'Easycase.isactive' => 1), 'fields' => array('Easycase.project_id')));
                    if (count($getCaseId)) {
                        $projid = $getProj['Easycase']['project_id'];
                        $conditions = array('conditions' => array('ProjectUser.user_id' => SES_ID, 'Project.isactive' => 1, '' => $projid), 'fields' => 'DISTINCT');
                        $this->ProjectUser->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('User')));
                        $chkProject = $this->ProjectUser->find('count', $conditions);
                    if ($chkProject == 0) {
                        $var = "<table align='center' width='100%'><tr><td style='font:normal 14px verdana;color:#FF0000;' align='center'>Oops! File cannot be download.<br/> You might not have access to download the file</td></tr></table>";
            if (PAGE_NAME == "downloadImgFile") {
                $filename = substr(strrchr($_GET['url'], "/"), 1);
                if (!isset($filename) || empty($filename)) {
                    $var = "<table align='center' width='100%'><tr><td style='font:normal 14px verdana;color:#FF0000;' align='center'>Please specify a file name for download.</td></tr></table>";
                if (!file_exists(DIR_CASE_FILES . $filename)) {
                    $var = "<table align='center' width='100%'><tr><td style='font:normal 14px verdana;color:#FF0000;' align='center'>Oops! File not found.<br/> File may be deleted or make sure you specified correct file name.</td></tr></table>";
                $chkProject = 0;
                $getCaseId = $this->CaseFile->find('first', array('conditions' => array('CaseFile.file' => $filename), 'fields' => array('CaseFile.easycase_id')));
                if (isset($getCaseId['CaseFile']['easycase_id']) && $getCaseId['CaseFile']['easycase_id']) {
                    $caseid = $getCaseId['CaseFile']['easycase_id'];
                    $getProj = $this->Easycase->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $caseid, 'Easycase.isactive' => 1), 'fields' => array('Easycase.project_id')));
                    if (count($getCaseId)) {
                        $projid = $getProj['Easycase']['project_id'];
                        $conditions = array('conditions' => array('ProjectUser.user_id' => SES_ID, 'Project.isactive' => 1, '' => $projid), 'fields' => 'DISTINCT');
                        $this->ProjectUser->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('User')));
                        $chkProject = $this->ProjectUser->find('count', $conditions);
                    if ($chkProject == 0) {
                        $var = "<table align='center' width='100%'><tr><td style='font:normal 14px verdana;color:#FF0000;' align='center'>Oops! File cannot be download.<br/> You might not have access to download the file</td></tr></table>";
            if (PAGE_NAME != 'image_thumb' && PAGE_NAME != 'project_menu' && PAGE_NAME != 'search_project_menu' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_case_menu' && !in_array(PAGE_NAME, array('to_dos', 'recent_projects', 'recent_activities', 'recent_milestones', 'statistics', 'task_progress', 'leader_board', 'ajax_activity'))) {
                if (!stristr(PAGE_NAME, "ajax_") && !in_array(PAGE_NAME, $ajaxPageArray)) {
                    if (count($getallproj)) {
                        if (PAGE_NAME == "dashboard" && $projName != 'All') {
                            $ctProjUniq = $projUniq;
                        } elseif (count($getallproj) >= 1) {
                            $ctProjUniq = $getallproj['0']['Project']['uniq_id'];
                        } else {
                            $ctProjUniq = '';
                    $projUser = array();
                    if ($ctProjUniq) {
                        $projUser = array($ctProjUniq => $this->Easycase->getMemebers($ctProjUniq));
                    $GLOBALS['projUser'] = $projUser;
                    $this->set('ctProjUniq', $ctProjUniq);
                    //Getting Task templetes
                    $CaseTemplate = ClassRegistry::init('CaseTemplate');
                    $CaseTemplate->recursive = -1;
                    $getTmpl = $CaseTemplate->find('all', array('conditions' => array("OR" => array('AND' => array('CaseTemplate.is_active' => 1, 'CaseTemplate.company_id' => SES_COMP))), 'fields' => array('id', 'name'), 'order' => ' ASC'));
                    $GLOBALS['getTmpl'] = $getTmpl;
                    /* Create Task Ends */
            if (PAGE_NAME != 'image_thumb' && PAGE_NAME != 'project_menu' && PAGE_NAME != 'search_project_menu' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_case_menu' && !in_array(PAGE_NAME, array('to_dos', 'recent_projects', 'recent_activities', 'recent_milestones', 'statistics', 'task_progress', 'leader_board', 'ajax_activity'))) {
                //Checking if the company status is active or not
                if ($this->params['action'] == 'upgrade_member' || $this->params['action'] == 'logout') {
                } elseif (SES_TYPE <= 3) {
                    $project_cls = ClassRegistry::init('Project');
                    $prjlist = $project_cls->find('list', array('conditions' => array('company_id' => SES_COMP), 'fields' => array('id', 'name')));
                    $prjcnt = $prjlist ? count($prjlist) : 0;
                    $GLOBALS['project_count'] = $prjcnt;
                    $GLOBALS['active_proj_list'] = $prjlist;
                    $this->set('is_active_proj', $prjcnt);
                    $this->set('active_proj_list', $prjlist);
                    if (SES_TYPE <= 2 && !$prjcnt && PAGE_NAME != 'help' && PAGE_NAME != 'default_inner' && PAGE_NAME != 'hide_default_inner' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_new_project' && PAGE_NAME != 'launchpad' && PAGE_NAME != 'googleConnect' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_check_project_exists' && PAGE_NAME != 'check_fordisabled_user' && PAGE_NAME != 'onbording' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_quickcase_mem' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_case_menu' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_project_size' && PAGE_NAME != 'member_list' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_check_size' && PAGE_NAME != 'new_user' && PAGE_NAME != 'getProjects' && PAGE_NAME != 'add_project' && PAGE_NAME != 'logout' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_check_user_exists' && PAGE_NAME != 'image_thumb' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_recent_case' && PAGE_NAME != 'ajax_custom_filter_show' && PAGE_NAME != 'post_support_inner' && PAGE_NAME != 'session_maintain' && (CONTROLLER != 'users' || PAGE_NAME != 'account_activity' && PAGE_NAME != 'transaction' && PAGE_NAME != 'creditcard' && PAGE_NAME != 'subscription' && PAGE_NAME != 'profile' && PAGE_NAME != 'changepassword' && PAGE_NAME != 'email_notifications' && PAGE_NAME != 'show_preview_img' && PAGE_NAME != 'done_cropimage' && PAGE_NAME != 'pricing' && PAGE_NAME != 'termsofservice' && PAGE_NAME != 'confirmationPage' && PAGE_NAME != 'upgrade')) {
                        //echo PAGE_NAME;exit;
                        $this->redirect(HTTP_ROOT . 'onbording');
                if (!stristr(PAGE_NAME, "ajax_") && !in_array(PAGE_NAME, $ajaxPageArray)) {
                    /* Create Task Starts */
                    if (count($getallproj)) {
                        if (PAGE_NAME == "dashboard" && $projName != 'All') {
                            $ctProjUniq = $projUniq;
                        } elseif (count($getallproj) >= 1) {
                            $ctProjUniq = $getallproj['0']['Project']['uniq_id'];
                        } else {
                            $ctProjUniq = '';
                    $projUser = array();
                    if ($ctProjUniq) {
                        $projUser = array($ctProjUniq => $this->Easycase->getMemebers($ctProjUniq));
                    $GLOBALS['projUser'] = $projUser;
                    $this->set('ctProjUniq', $ctProjUniq);
                    //Getting Task templetes
                    $CaseTemplate = ClassRegistry::init('CaseTemplate');
                    $CaseTemplate->recursive = -1;
                    $getTmpl = $CaseTemplate->find('all', array('conditions' => array("OR" => array('AND' => array('CaseTemplate.is_active' => 1, 'CaseTemplate.company_id' => SES_COMP))), 'fields' => array('id', 'name'), 'order' => ' ASC'));
                    $GLOBALS['getTmpl'] = $getTmpl;
                    /* Create Task Ends */
        } else {
            $this->set('success', $this->Session->read("SUCCESS"));
            $this->set('error', $this->Session->read("ERROR"));
            $this->Auth->autoRedirect = false;
            $this->Auth->authenticate = array('Form' => array('fields' => array('username' => 'email', 'password' => 'password')));
            $this->Auth->allow('license', 'login', 'validate_emailurl', 'forgotpassword', 'session_maintain', 'googleConnect', 'googleSignup', 'setGoogleInfo', 'ajaxpostcase', 'ajaxemail', 'register_user', 'invitation', 'emailUpdate');
            $this->Session->write("SUCCESS", "");
            $this->Session->write("ERROR", "");
            if (!in_array(PAGE_NAME, $this->Auth->allowedActions)) {
            // Empty Session
            if (!defined('SES_ID')) {
                define('SES_ID', '');
            if (!defined('SES_TYPE')) {
                define('SES_TYPE', '');
            if (!defined('SES_TIMEZONE')) {
                define('SES_TIMEZONE', "");
            $this->layout = 'default_outer';
        if (!defined('PROJ_ID')) {
            define('PROJ_ID', $curProjId);
        if (!defined('PROJ_UNIQ_ID')) {
            define('PROJ_UNIQ_ID', $projUniq);
        if (!defined('projUniq')) {
            define('projUniq', $projUniq);
        if (!defined('TOT_COMPANY')) {
            define('TOT_COMPANY', '');
        if (@$_COOKIE['SES_COMP']) {
            //$sql = "SELECT Type.* FROM type_companies AS TypeCompany LEFT JOIN types AS Type ON ( WHERE TypeCompany.company_id=".@$_COOKIE['SES_COMP']." ORDER BY Type.company_id DESC, Type.seq_order ASC";
            $sql = "SELECT Type.* FROM type_companies AS TypeCompany LEFT JOIN types AS Type ON ( WHERE TypeCompany.company_id=" . @$_COOKIE['SES_COMP'] . " ORDER BY ASC";
            $TypeCompany = $this->TypeCompany->query($sql);
        if (isset($TypeCompany) && !empty($TypeCompany)) {
            $typeArr = $TypeCompany;
            $typeDflt = 1;
        } else {
            $typeDflt = 1;
            $typeArr = array('1' => array('Type' => array('id' => '2', 'name' => 'Development', 'short_name' => 'dev', 'seq_order' => '1')), '2' => array('Type' => array('id' => '1', 'name' => 'Bug', 'short_name' => 'bug', 'seq_order' => '2')), '3' => array('Type' => array('id' => '10', 'name' => 'Update', 'short_name' => 'upd', 'seq_order' => '3')), '4' => array('Type' => array('id' => '12', 'name' => 'Change Request', 'short_name' => 'cr', 'seq_order' => '4')), '5' => array('Type' => array('id' => '11', 'name' => 'Idea', 'short_name' => 'idea', 'seq_order' => '5')), '6' => array('Type' => array('id' => '3', 'name' => 'Enhancement', 'short_name' => 'enh', 'seq_order' => '6')), '7' => array('Type' => array('id' => '4', 'name' => 'Research n Do', 'short_name' => 'rnd', 'seq_order' => '7')), '8' => array('Type' => array('id' => '7', 'name' => 'Maintenance', 'short_name' => 'mnt', 'seq_order' => '8')), '9' => array('Type' => array('id' => '5', 'name' => 'Quality Assurance', 'short_name' => 'qa', 'seq_order' => '9')), '10' => array('Type' => array('id' => '6', 'name' => 'Unit Testing', 'short_name' => 'unt', 'seq_order' => '10')), '11' => array('Type' => array('id' => '9', 'name' => 'Release', 'short_name' => 'rel', 'seq_order' => '11')), '12' => array('Type' => array('id' => '8', 'name' => 'Others', 'short_name' => 'oth', 'seq_order' => '12')));
        $dashboardArr = array('1' => array('id' => '1', 'name' => 'To Dos'), '2' => array('id' => '2', 'name' => 'Recent Projects'), '3' => array('id' => '3', 'name' => 'Usage Details'), '5' => array('id' => '5', 'name' => 'Statistics'), '6' => array('id' => '6', 'name' => 'Recent Activities'), '8' => array('id' => '8', 'name' => 'Task Type'), '9' => array('id' => '9', 'name' => 'Task Status'));
        $GLOBALS['DASHBOARD_ORDER'] = $dashboardArr;
        $plan_types = array(9 => 'Free', 5 => 'Basic', 6 => 'Team', 7 => 'Business', 8 => 'Premium', 1 => 'Free', 2 => 'Pro', 3 => 'Team', 4 => 'Premium');
        $this->set('plan_types', $plan_types);
        $GLOBALS['plan_types'] = $plan_types;
        $GLOBALS['TYPE'] = $typeArr;
        $GLOBALS['TYPE_DEFAULT'] = $typeDflt;
        if (file_exists(WWW_ROOT . 'error.check')) {
            unlink(WWW_ROOT . 'error.check');

Usage Example

コード例 #1
 public function beforeFilter()
     $user = $this->Auth->user();
     $this->set('user', $user);
All Usage Examples Of AppController::beforeFilter